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imageResolution Hypothermia
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HydrophilicSide (hydrophilic side) hostOf (host of)
HydrophobicLipidTail (hydrophobic lipid tail) hostStatus (host status)
HydrophobicSide (hydrophobic side) hostedOn (hosted on)
HydropowerWaterArea (hydropower water area) hostileForces (hostile forces)
Hydroxychloroquine (hydroxychloroquine) hotSeasonInArea (hot season in area)
HyoglossusMuscle (hyoglossus muscle) humanCapacity (human capacity)
Hyoid (Hyoid) humanName (human name)
HyoidArtery (hyoid artery) husband (husband)
HyoidBone (hyoid bone) identicalListItems (identical list items)
Hyperferritinemia (hyperferritinemia) identityElement (identity element)
Hypersalivation (hypersalivation) ideologicalAffiliationOfOrganization (ideological affiliation of organization)
HypertextLink (hyperlink) illicitDrugConsumer (illicit drug consumer)
Hyperthermia (hyperthermia) illicitDrugProducer (illicit drug producer)
HypoglossalNerveCNXII (hypoglossal nerve [CNXII]) illicitDrugShipmentDestination (illicit drug shipment destination)
Hypothalamus (hypothalamus) illicitDrugTransshipmentPoint (illicit drug transshipment point)
ImageResolution hypothermia
Hypothermia (hypothermia) imageResolution (image resolution)
Hypoxia (Hypoxia) immediateInstance (immediate instance)
IACOAirlineCode (IACO airline code) immediateSubclass (immediate subclass)
IATAAirlineCode (IATA airline code) implementsProtocol (implements protocol)
IBooks (iBooks) importCommodityType (import commodity type)
IBookstore (iBookstore) importCommodityTypeByRank (import commodity type by rank)
ICloud (i-cloud) importPartner (import partner)
IDeviceHomeButton (home button) importPartnerByFraction (import partner by fraction)
IEBrowser (IE) importPartnerByFractionInPeriod (import partner by fraction in period)
IED (IED) importPartnerByRank (import partner by rank)
IMClient (IM client) importPartnerByRankInPeriod (import partner by rank in period)
IMFDevelopmentLevel (IMF development level) importPartnerInPeriod (import partner in period)
IMStatusAttribute (IM status attribute) importTotalInPeriod (import total in period)
IMessage (i-message) inList (in list)
IOCOrder (IOC order) inScopeOfInterest (in scope of interest)
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