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areaOfResponsibility BatteryManufacturing
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BasqueGroupLanguage (basque group language) annualExportTotal (annual export total)
BasqueLanguage (basque language) annualImportTotal (annual import total)
BasraIsrael (basra israel) annualRevenuesOfArea (annual revenues of area)
BassasDaIndia (bassas da india) annualRevenuesOfAreaInPeriod (annual revenues of area in period)
BatMitzvah (BatMitzvah) antagonistMuscles (antagonist muscles)
BatYamIsrael (bat yam israel) anthem (anthem)
BathTub (tub) applicableRelation (applicable relation)
Bathing (bathing) appointedPosition (appointedPosition)
BathingDevice (bathing device) appraisedValue (appraised value)
Bathroom (bathroom) approves (approves)
BatmanTurkey (batman turkey) approximateDiameter (approximate diameter)
Baton (baton) approximateValue (approximate value)
Batrachotoxin (batrachotoxin) arableLandArea (arable land area)
Battalion (battalion) arcWeight (arc weight)
Battery (battery) areaOfOperation (area of operation)
AreaOfResponsibility batteryManufacturing
BatteryManufacturing (battery manufacturing) areaOfResponsibility (area of responsibility)
Battle (battle) arrested (arrested)
Bauxite (bauxite) arrestingOfficer (arresting officer)
BavarianAustrianLanguage (bavarian austrian language) askPrice (ask price)
BavarianCuisine (Bavarian Cuisine) associateInOrganization (associate in organization)
BavarianLanguage (bavarian language) associateWithStatus (associate with status)
Bay (bay) associatedFunctionality (associated functionality)
BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage (bay islands creole english language) atTheMoney (at the money)
BayonoAwbonoLanguage (bayono awbono language) atomicNumber (atomic number)
BayonoLanguage (bayono language) attends (attends)
BeErShevaIsrael (be er sheva israel) attitudeForFormula (attitude for formula)
BeamRidingGMissile (beam-riding guided missile) attitudeForObject (attitude for object)
Bean (bean) attorney (attorney)
Bear (bear) attribute (attribute)
Bearing (bearing) aunt (aunt)
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