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annualExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod ArmenianDram
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Arguing (arguing) amount (amount)
Argument (argument) amountCharged (amount charged)
ArgunRussia (argun russia) amountDue (amount due)
AridClimateZone (arid climate zone) amountOfBid (bid amount)
ArielWestBank (ariel west bank) ancestor (ancestor)
ArikaraLanguage (arikara language) ancestorOrganization (ancestor organization)
ArisingInCarotidTriangleArtery (arising in carotid triangle artery) and (and)
Arizona (Arizona) angleOfFigure (angle of figure)
Arkansas (arkansas) angularMeasure (angular measure)
Arm (arm) anniversary (anniversary)
ArmBone (arm bone) annualElectricityConsumption (annual electricity consumption)
ArmaghNorthernIreland (armagh northern ireland) annualElectricityExport (annual electricity export)
ArmedReconnaissance (armed reconnaissance) annualElectricityImport (annual electricity import)
Armenia (armenia) annualElectricityProduction (annual electricity production)
ArmenianCuisine (Armenian Cuisine) annualExpendituresOfArea (annual expenditures of area)
AnnualExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod armenianDram
ArmenianDram (armenian dram) annualExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod (annual expenditures of area in period)
ArmenianGroupLanguage (armenian group language) annualExportTotal (annual export total)
ArmenianLanguage (armenian language) annualImportTotal (annual import total)
ArmenianSignLanguage (armenian sign language) annualRevenuesOfArea (annual revenues of area)
Armor (armor) annualRevenuesOfAreaInPeriod (annual revenues of area in period)
ArmoredCarServices (armored car services) antagonistMuscles (antagonist muscles)
ArmoredVehicle (armored vehicle) anthem (anthem)
ArmsControl (arms control) applicableRelation (applicable relation)
Army (army) appointedPosition (appointedPosition)
Arriving (arriving) appraisedValue (appraised value)
ArrowIcon (arrow icon) approves (approves)
ArrowKey (arrow key) approximateDiameter (approximate diameter)
ArrowProjectile (arrow projectile) approximateValue (approximate value)
ArrowrootStarch (arrowroot starch) arableLandArea (arable land area)
Arsenic (arsenic) arcWeight (arc weight)
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