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annualImportTotal AeronauticalEngineer
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Adventistsamfundet (Adventistsamfundet) amountDue (amount due)
Adverb (adverb) amountOfBid (bid amount)
Advertising (advertising) ancestor (ancestor)
AdvertisingAgencies (advertising agencies) ancestorOrganization (ancestor organization)
AdvertisingAndRelatedServices (advertising and related services) and (and)
AdvertisingMaterialDistributionServices (advertising material distribution services) angleOfFigure (angle of figure)
AdvisoryCommittee (advisory committee) angularMeasure (angular measure)
AegilopsGrass (Aegilops grass) anniversary (anniversary)
AegilopsSpeltoides (Aegilops Speltoides) annualElectricityConsumption (annual electricity consumption)
AegilopsTauschii (Aegilops Tauschii) annualElectricityExport (annual electricity export)
Aerating (aerating) annualElectricityImport (annual electricity import)
Aerator (aerator) annualElectricityProduction (annual electricity production)
Aerius (Aerius) annualExpendituresOfArea (annual expenditures of area)
AerobicExerciseDevice (aerobic exercise device) annualExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod (annual expenditures of area in period)
Aerobics (aerobics) annualExportTotal (annual export total)
AnnualImportTotal aeronauticalEngineer
AeronauticalEngineer (aeronautical engineer) annualImportTotal (annual import total)
Aeropress (Aeropress) annualRevenuesOfArea (annual revenues of area)
AeropressingCoffee (aeropress coffee) annualRevenuesOfAreaInPeriod (annual revenues of area in period)
Aerosal (aerosal) antagonistMuscles (antagonist muscles)
AerosolParticulateIssue (aerosol particulate issue) anthem (anthem)
AerosolizedAgent (aerosolized agent) applicableRelation (applicable relation)
AerosolizedBacillusAnthracis (aerosolized bacillus anthracis) appointedPosition (appointedPosition)
AerospaceProductAndPartsManufacturing (aerospace product and parts manufacturing) appraisedValue (appraised value)
AestheticPleasure (aesthetic pleasure) approves (approves)
Aetna (Aetna) approximateDiameter (approximate diameter)
AfarLanguage (Afar language) approximateValue (approximate value)
AfferentArteriole (afferent arteriole) arableLandArea (arable land area)
Afforestation (afforestation) arcWeight (arc weight)
AfghanAfghani (afghan afghani) areaOfOperation (area of operation)
AfghanAfghaniCoin (afghan afghani coin) areaOfResponsibility (area of responsibility)
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