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currencyExchangeRate CommunityChurch
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CommunalLandOwnershipEconomy (communal land ownership economy) courseWRTCompassNorth (courseWRT compass north)
CommunicatingBranchToTheAnteriorTibialArtery (communicating branch to the anterior tibial artery) courseWRTMagneticNorth (courseWRT magnetic north)
Communication (communication) courseWRTTrueNorth (courseWRT true north)
CommunicationAndEnergyWireAndCableManufacturing (communication and energy wire and cable manufacturing) cousin (cousin)
CommunicationDevice (communication device) covers (covers)
CommunicationEquipmentRepairAndMaintenance (communication equipment repair and maintenance) coworker (coworker)
CommunicationOrganization (communication organization) creator (creator)
CommunicationRadio (communication radio) creditLimit (credit limit)
CommunicationSatellite (communications satellite) creditRanking (credit ranking)
CommunicationSystem (communication system) creditsPerPeriod (credits per period)
CommunicationsCoordination (communications coordination) criticalityLevel (criticality level)
CommunicationsEquipmentManufacturing (communications equipment manufacturing) crossFunctionalTeamFocus (BinaryPredicate)
CommunistParty (communist party) crosses (crosses)
CommunistState (communist state) currencyCode (currency code)
CommunityCareFacilitiesForTheElderly (community care facilities for the elderly) currencyExchangePerUSDollar (currency exchange perUS dollar)
CurrencyExchangeRate communityChurch
CommunityChurch (community church) currencyExchangeRate (currency exchange rate)
CommunityFoodAndHousingAndEmergencyAndOtherReliefServices (community food and housing and emergency and other relief services) currencyExchangeRateInPeriod (currency exchange rate in period)
CommunityFoodServices (community food services) currencyType (currency type)
CommunityHousingServices (community housing services) currencyValue (currency value)
CommunitySpread (community spread) currentAccountBalance (current account balance)
CommutativeFunction (commutative function) currentInterestRate (current interest rate)
CommuterRailSystems (commuter rail systems) customer (customer)
Comoros (comoros) customerRepresentative (customer representative)
CompactDisc (compact disc) customerValue (customer value)
CompactOfFreeAssociationWithNewZealand (compact of free association with new zealand) cylinderBore (cylinder bore)
CompactOfFreeAssociationWithUnitedStates (compact of free association with united states) cz (cz)
CompanionateLove (companionate love) dailyLimit (daily limit)
CompanyGradeRank (company grade rank) dampingRatio (damping ratio)
CompanyMilitary (company- military) dataID (dataID)
Comparing (comparing) dataProcessed (data processed)
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