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accountPhoneNumber AppleMacOSSystem8
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AppleIPodNano (iPod nano) abbreviatedDisplayTitle (abbreviated display title)
AppleIPodShuffle (iPod shuffle) abbreviation (abbreviation)
AppleIPodTouch (iPod touch) absoluteHeight (absolute height)
AppleIWork (iWork) absorbedDose (absorbed dose)
AppleMacBook (Macbook) abstractCounterpart (abstract counterpart)
AppleMacBookAir (Macbook Air) abstractPart (part)
AppleMacBookPro (Macbook Pro) abstractionLevel (abstraction level)
AppleMacOS (Mac OS) accessibleFromMenu (accessible from menu)
AppleMacOSSystem1 (Apple mac oS system1) accessibleFromMenuItem (accessible from menu item)
AppleMacOSSystem2 (Apple mac oS system2) accommodationProvider (accommodations provider)
AppleMacOSSystem3 (Apple mac oS system3) accountAt (account at)
AppleMacOSSystem4 (Apple mac oS system4) accountAtSite (account at site)
AppleMacOSSystem5 (Apple mac oS system5) accountHolder (account holder)
AppleMacOSSystem6 (Apple mac oS system6) accountInformation (account information)
AppleMacOSSystem7 (Apple mac oS system7) accountNumber (account number)
AccountPhoneNumber appleMacOSSystem8
AppleMacOSSystem8 (Apple mac oS system8) accountPhoneNumber (account phone number)
AppleMacOSSystem9 (Apple mac oS system9) accountStatus (account status)
AppleMacOSX (Apple mac oSX) accountUsed (account used)
AppleMacPro (Mac Pro) accruedInterest (accrued interest)
AppleMacintoshComputer (Mac) achievement (achievement)
AppleMigrationAssistant (Migration Assistant) acquaintance (acquaintance)
AppleOrchard (apple orchard) acronym (acronym)
AppleOrchards (apple orchards) actedIn (acted in)
AppleSafari (Safari) actionTendency (action tendency)
AppleSetupAssistant (Setup Assistant) activityCapability (activity capability)
AppleStore (Apple Store) adjacentOrientation (adjacent orientation)
AppleSystemManagementController (SMC) administrativeCenter (administrative center)
AppleTV (Apple TV) administrator (administrator)
ApplianceRepairAndMaintenance (appliance repair and maintenance) advertisedOn (advertised on)
ApplianceTelevisionAndOtherElectronicsStores (appliance television and other electronics stores) affiliatedOrganization (affiliated organization)
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