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visitorParameter WorldOcean
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Word (word) valence (valence)
WorkLeave (work leave) validFor (valid for)
WorkerInsect (worker insect) validPaymentType (valid payment type)
Working (working) validityPeriod (validity period)
Workshop (workshop) vegetationType (vegetation type)
WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel (world bankGNI per capita level) vegetationTypePattern (vegetation type pattern)
WorldBankGroup (world bank group) version (version)
WorldConfederationOfLabor (world confederation of labor) vesselDeadWeightTonnage (vessel dead weight tonnage)
WorldCustomsOrganization (world customs organization) vesselDisplacement (vessel displacement)
WorldFederationOfTradeUnions (world federation of trade unions) vesselGrossRegisteredTonnage (vessel gross registered tonnage)
WorldFoodProgram (world food program) victim (victim)
WorldHealthOrganization (world health organization) viewType (view type)
WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganization (world intellectual property organization) viewedItemList (list of viewed items)
WorldLaborIssues (world labor issues) viewedListing (viewed listing)
WorldMeteorologicalOrganization (world meteorological organization) visibilityInMeteorology (visibility in meteorology)
VisitorParameter worldOcean
WorldOcean (world ocean) visitorParameter (visitor profile parameter)
WorldTourismOrganization (world tourism organization) visualAcuity (visual acuity)
WorldTradeOrganization (world trade organization) voltageMeasure (voltage measure)
Worm (worm) voltageRatingPrimary (primary voltage rating)
Worry (worry) voltageRatingSecondary (seconary voltage rating)
WreckingAndDemolitionContractors (wrecking and demolition contractors) voteFractionReceived (vote fraction received)
Wrench (wrench) wants (wants)
Wrestler (wrestler) warmSeasonInArea (warm season in area)
Wrestling (wrestling) watchingListings (watching listings)
Wrist (wrist) waterAreaOnly (water area only)
WristBone (wrist bone) waterDepth (water depth)
WriteOnceDataStorage (write once data storage) waveHeight (wave height)
Writer (writer) wavelength (wavelength)
Writing (writing) weaponCarryingCapability (weapon carrying capability)
WritingDevice (writing device) wears (wears)
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