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tonicity StrepThroat
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Stove (stove) temporalPart (temporal part)
Straddle (straddle) temporallyBetween (temporally between)
Strainer (strainer) temporallyBetweenOrEqual (temporally between or equal)
Strait (strait) tenant (tenant)
StraitOfHormuz (strait of hormuz) termFormat (term format)
Strangling (strangling) termLength (term length)
StrasbourgFrance (strasbourg france) terrainInArea (terrain in area)
Strawberry (strawberry) text (text)
StrawberryFarming (strawberry farming) tg (tg)
StreamWaterArea (stream water area) third (third)
StreamWaterConfluence (stream water confluence) thirdPartyProduct (third party product)
Street (street) thresholdOf (threshold of)
StreetAddressFn (street address) time (time)
StreetParking (street parking) titleInLanguage (title in language)
Streetcar (streetcar) titles (titles)
Tonicity strepThroat
StrepThroat (strep throat) tonicity (tonicity)
StreptococcusA (streptococcus a) top (top)
Stressed (stressed) topSpeed (top speed)
Stretching (stretching) total (total)
StrictnessAttribute (strictness attribute) totalArea (total area)
StrikeSlipFault (strike slip fault) totalBalance (total balance)
String (string) totalBiomass (total biomass)
StringConcatenateFn (string concatenate fn) totalCoastline (total coastline)
StringInstrument (string instrument) totalFacilityTypeInArea (total facility type in area)
StringLengthFn (string length fn) totalGDP (totalGDP)
StripMall (StripMall) totalGDPInPeriod (totalGDP in period)
Stroke (stroke) totalLandBoundary (total land boundary)
StrongWind (strong wind) totalLengthOfHighwaySystem (total length of highway system)
Strontium (strontium) totalLengthOfRailwaySystem (total length of railway system)
StructuralProtein (structural protein) totalLengthOfWaterways (total length of waterways)
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