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ipAddressOf LegalAppeal
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LeftTrueRib3Bone (left true rib 3 bone) initialPart (initial part)
LeftTrueRib4Bone (left true rib 4 bone) initiallyContainsPart (initially contains part)
LeftTrueRib5Bone (left true rib 5 bone) instance (instance)
LeftTrueRib6Bone (left true rib 6 bone) instrument (instrument)
LeftTrueRib7Bone (left true rib 7 bone) insured (insured)
LeftUlna (left ulna) intelligenceQuotient (intelligence quotient)
LeftVMetacarpal (left V metacarpal) interestEarned (interest earned)
LeftVentricle (left ventricle) interestRatePerPeriod (interest rate per period)
LeftZygomaticBone (left zygomatic bone) interiorPart (interior part)
Leg (leg) internationalDispute (international dispute)
LegBone (leg bone) internetCountryCode (internet country code)
Legal (legal) invadingVirus (invading virus)
LegalAcquittal (legal acquittal) inventory (inventory)
LegalAction (legal action) inverse (inverse)
LegalAgent (legal agent) involvedInEvent (involved in event)
IpAddressOf legalAppeal
LegalAppeal (legal appeal) ipAddressOf (ip address of)
LegalAward (legal award) ipOfDomain (IP of domain)
LegalCharge (legal charge) irreflexiveOn (irreflexiveOn)
LegalConviction (legal conviction) irrigatedLandArea (irrigated land area)
LegalCounselAndProsecution (legal counsel and prosecution) issuedBy (issued by)
LegalDecision (legal decision) jailer (jailer)
LegalDismissal (legal dismissal) judge (judge)
LegalOpinion (legal opinion) judicialBranch (judicial branch)
LegalServices (legal services) keyName (key name)
LegalSummons (legal summons) knows (knows)
LegalSystemAttribute (legal system attribute) laborForceFractionByOccupation (labor force fraction by occupation)
Legionella (legionella) laborForceFractionByOccupationInPeriod (labor force fraction by occupation in period)
Legionellosis (legionellosis) laborForceTotal (labor force total)
LegionnairesDisease (legionnaires disease) laborForceTotalInPeriod (labor force total in period)
LegislativeBill (legislative bill) lacks (lacks)
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