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irrigatedLandArea InductorElement
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IndoIranianLanguage (indo iranian language) instrument (instrument)
IndoPortugueseLanguage (indo portuguese language) insured (insured)
IndochineseEthnicity (indochinese ethnicity) intelligenceQuotient (intelligence quotient)
Indonesia (indonesia) interestEarned (interest earned)
IndonesianBasedCreoleLanguage (indonesian based creole language) interestRatePerPeriod (interest rate per period)
IndonesianCuisine (Indonesian Cuisine) interiorPart (interior part)
IndonesianLanguage (Indonesian language) internationalDispute (international dispute)
IndonesianRupiah (indonesian rupiah) internetCountryCode (internet country code)
IndonesianSignLanguage (indonesian sign language) invadingVirus (invading virus)
Indoors (indoors) inventory (inventory)
Indremisjonen (Indremisjonen) inverse (inverse)
Inductance (inductance) involvedInEvent (involved in event)
InductionMotor (induction motor) ipAddressOf (ip address of)
InductiveArgument (inductive argument) ipOfDomain (IP of domain)
Inductor (inductor) irreflexiveOn (irreflexiveOn)
IrrigatedLandArea inductorElement
InductorElement (inductor element) irrigatedLandArea (irrigated land area)
IndustrialAndCommercialFanAndBlowerManufacturing (industrial and commercial fan and blower manufacturing) issuedBy (issued by)
IndustrialAndPersonalServicePaperWholesalers (industrial and personal service paper wholesalers) jailer (jailer)
IndustrialDesignServices (industrial design services) judge (judge)
IndustrialGasManufacturing (industrial gas manufacturing) judicialBranch (judicial branch)
IndustrialLaunderers (industrial launderers) keyName (key name)
IndustrialMachineryAndEquipmentWholesalers (industrial machinery and equipment wholesalers) knows (knows)
IndustrialMachineryManufacturing (industrial machinery manufacturing) laborForceFractionByOccupation (labor force fraction by occupation)
IndustrialMoldManufacturing (industrial mold manufacturing) laborForceFractionByOccupationInPeriod (labor force fraction by occupation in period)
IndustrialNonbuildingStructureConstruction (industrial nonbuilding structure construction) laborForceTotal (labor force total)
IndustrialPatternManufacturing (industrial pattern manufacturing) laborForceTotalInPeriod (labor force total in period)
IndustrialPlant (industrial plant) lacks (lacks)
IndustrialPollution (industrial pollution) ladenDraft (laden draft)
IndustrialPollutionIssue (industrial pollution issue) landAreaOnly (land area only)
IndustrialProcessFurnaceAndOvenManufacturing (industrial process furnace and oven manufacturing) landlord (landlord)
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