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includedMeal HorizontalWindowScrolling
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HonduranLempira (honduran lempira) immediateSubclass (immediate subclass)
Honduras (honduras) implementsProtocol (implements protocol)
Honey (honey) importCommodityType (import commodity type)
HoneymoonSuite (honeymoon suite) importCommodityTypeByRank (import commodity type by rank)
HongKong (hong kong) importPartner (import partner)
HongKongDollar (hong kong dollar) importPartnerByFraction (import partner by fraction)
HonoluluHawaii (honolulu hawaii) importPartnerByFractionInPeriod (import partner by fraction in period)
Hoof (hoof) importPartnerByRank (import partner by rank)
HoofedMammal (hoofed mammal) importPartnerByRankInPeriod (import partner by rank in period)
HookOfHamateFlexorRetinaculum (HookOfHamateFlexorRetinaculum) importPartnerInPeriod (import partner in period)
Hope (hope) importTotalInPeriod (import total in period)
HopperDredger (hopper dredger) inList (in list)
Hops (hops) inScopeOfInterest (in scope of interest)
Horizontal (horizontal) inString (in string)
HorizontalScrollBar (horizontal scroll bar) inTheMoney (in the money)
IncludedMeal horizontalWindowScrolling
HorizontalWindowScrolling (horizontal window scrolling) includedMeal (included meal)
Hormone (hormone) income (income)
Horn (horn) incomeDistributionByGiniIndex (income distribution by gini index)
HornInstrument (horn instrument) incomeDistributionByGiniIndexInPeriod (income distribution by gini index in period)
HornOfAfricaCuisine (Horn of Africa Cuisine) incomeEarned (income earned)
Horse (horse) increasesLikelihood (increases likelihood)
HorseAndOtherEquineProduction (horse and other equine production) independenceDate (independence date)
HorseRacing (horse racing) independentProbability (independent probability)
HorseRiding (horse riding) industrialProductionGrowthRate (industrial production growth rate)
Horsepower (horsepower) industrialProductionGrowthRateInPeriod (industrial production growth rate in period)
Hose (hose) industryOfArea (industry of area)
HosieryAndSockMills (hosiery and sock mills) industryProductType (industry product type)
HospitalBuilding (hospital building) industryRankByOutput (industry rank by output)
HospitalChapel (hospital chapel) industryServiceType (industry service type)
HospitalOrganization (hospital organization) inflationRate (inflationRate)
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