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accountNumber AverageFn
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AutomotiveGlassReplacementShops (automotive glass replacement shops) Zyrtec (Zyrtec)
AutomotiveMechanicalAndElectricalRepairAndMaintenance (automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance) abbreviatedDisplayTitle (abbreviated display title)
AutomotiveOilChangeAndLubricationShops (automotive oil change and lubrication shops) abbreviation (abbreviation)
AutomotivePartsAccessoriesAndTireStores (automotive parts accessories and tire stores) absoluteHeight (absolute height)
AutomotivePartsAndAccessoriesStores (automotive parts and accessories stores) absorbedDose (absorbed dose)
AutomotiveRepairAndMaintenance (automotive repair and maintenance) abstractCounterpart (abstract counterpart)
AutomotiveTransmissionRepair (automotive transmission repair) abstractPart (part)
AutonomicProcess (autonomic process) abstractionLevel (abstraction level)
Autonomous (autonomous) accessibleFromMenu (accessible from menu)
AutonomousAgent ( Autonomous agent) accessibleFromMenuItem (accessible from menu item)
AuvergnatLanguage (auvergnat language) accommodationProvider (accommodations provider)
AuvergneCuisine (Auvergne Cuisine) accountAt (account at)
AvailableForMilitaryServiceMaleFn (available for military service male) accountAtSite (account at site)
AvalancheProcess (avalanche process) accountHolder (account holder)
AvarLanguage (Avar language) accountInformation (account information)
AccountNumber averageFn
AverageFn (average function) accountNumber (account number)
AvestanLanguage (Avestan language) accountPhoneNumber (account phone number)
AveyronCuisine (Aveyron Cuisine) accountStatus (account status)
AvneiHefetzIsrael (avnei hefetz israel) accountUsed (account used)
Avocado (avocado) accruedInterest (accrued interest)
AvocadoOil (avocado oil) achievement (achievement)
AwaCuaiquerLanguage (awa cuaiquer language) acquaintance (acquaintance)
Awake (awake) acronym (acronym)
Awarding (awarding) actedIn (acted in)
AwbonoLanguage (awbono language) actionTendency (action tendency)
AwjilaSoknaLanguage (awjila sokna language) activityCapability (activity capability)
AwjilahLanguage (awjilah language) adjacentOrientation (adjacent orientation)
AwyuDumutLanguage (awyu dumut language) administrativeCenter (administrative center)
AwyuLanguage (awyu language) administrator (administrator)
Axid (Axid) advertisedOn (advertised on)
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