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yieldLevel Vegetable
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Vanuatu (vanuatu) weddingAnniversary (weddingAnniversary)
VaporCompressionCycle (vapor compression cycle) weddingdate (weddingdate)
VariableAnnuity (variable annuity) weight (weight)
VariableArityRelation (variable arity relation) width (width)
VarianceAverageFn (variance average function) wife (wife)
VarianceFn (variance function) windDrivenMotion (wind driven motion)
VariolaMajor (variola major) windRelativePosition (wind relative position)
VariolaMinor (variola minor) witness (witness)
VastusIntermediusMuscle (vastus intermedius muscle) workAddress (work address)
VastusLateralisMuscle (vastus lateralis muscle) workLocation (work location)
VastusMedialisMuscle (vastus medialis muscle) workPhoneNumber (work phone number)
VavuniyaSriLanka (vavuniya sri lanka) year (year)
Veal (veal) yearBuilt (year built)
VeenkoloniaalsLanguage (veenkoloniaals language) yearOfFounding (year of founding)
Vegan (vegan) yield (yield)
YieldLevel vegetable
Vegetable (vegetable) yieldLevel (yield level)
VegetableAndMelonFarming (vegetable and melon farming) ()
VegetableFarming (vegetable farming) ()
VegetableOil (vegetable oil) ()
VegetableOilIndustry (vegetable oil industry) ()
Vegetarian (vegetarian) ()
Vehicle (vehicle) ()
VehicleAttack (vehicle attack) ()
VehicleBrake (vehicle brake) ()
VehicleCarrierShip (vehicle carrier ship) ()
VehicleController (vehicle controller) ()
VehicleDoor (vehicle door) ()
VehicleEmissionsIssue (vehicle emissions issue) ()
VehicleLight (vehicle light) ()
VehicleRegistration (vehicle registration) ()
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