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origin NorthEasternAtlanticEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage
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Normisjon (Normisjon) operator (operator)
NorskLutherskMisjonssamband (Norsk Luthersk misjonssamband) oppositeDirection (opposite direction)
NorteDeSantanderColombia (norte de santander colombia) optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee (optimal grind size for making coffee)
North (north) optionHolder (option holder)
NorthAfricanCuisine (North African Cuisine) optionSeller (option seller)
NorthAfricanEthnicity (north african ethnicity) or (or)
NorthAmerica (north america) orbits (orbits)
NorthAmericanCuisine (North American Cuisine) orderFor (order for)
NorthAtlanticOcean (north atlantic ocean) orgStaff (organization staff)
NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization (north atlantic treaty organization) organizationName (organization name)
NorthBirdsHeadLanguage (north birds head language) organizationProductType (organization product type)
NorthCarolina (north carolina) organizationServiceType (organization service type)
NorthCaucasianLanguage (north caucasian language) organizationUnit (organizationUnit)
NorthCentralBirdsHeadLanguage (north central birds head language) organizationalObjective (organizational objective)
NorthDakota (north dakota) orientation (orientation)
Origin northEasternAtlanticEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage
NorthEasternAtlanticEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage (north eastern atlantic english based creole language) origin (origin)
NorthGermanicLanguage (north germanic language) originalBalance (original balance)
NorthHalmaheraLanguage (north halmahera language) originalExpressedInLanguage (original expressed in language)
NorthIndianCuisine (North Indian Cuisine) originalTitle (original title)
NorthKorea (north korea) orthogonalTests (managed orthogonal)
NorthKoreanWon (north korean won) otherLandUseArea (other land use area)
NorthPacificOcean (north pacific ocean) outOfTheMoney (out of the money)
NorthSea (north sea) overcastDaysInPeriod (overcast days in period)
NorthVeluwsLanguage (north veluws language) overdraft (overdraft)
Northeast (northeast) overlapsPartially (overlap partially)
NortheastIndianCuisine (Northeast Indian Cuisine) overlapsSpatially (overlap spatially)
NortheastPashayiLanguage (northeast pashayi language) overlapsTemporally (overlap temporally)
NortheasternPacificOcean (Northeastern Pacific ocean) oxygenSaturation (oxygen saturation)
NorthernAfrica (northern africa) pValue (confidence interval)
NorthernAfroAsiaticLanguage (northern afro asiatic language) paidFunctionRoomAmenity (free function room amenity)
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