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defaultMinimumMeasure DodaIndia
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Diving (diving) deathTime (deathTime)
DivisionFn (division) deathdate (deathdate)
Divorcing (divorcing) deathplace (deathplace)
Dizzy (dizzy) deceptiveIdentifier (deceptive identifier)
DjakashariGeorgia (djakashari georgia) decreasesLikelihood (decreases likelihood)
DjerbaTunisia (djerba tunisia) defaultMaxValue (default max value)
Djibouti (djibouti) defaultMaximumHeight (default maximum height)
DjiboutiFranc (djibouti franc) defaultMaximumLength (default maximum length)
DoNetworkMessaging (do network messaging) defaultMaximumMeasure (default maximum measure)
Doctrine (doctrine) defaultMaximumSphereRadius (default maximum sphere radius)
Document (document) defaultMaximumWidth (default maximum width)
DocumentCategory (document category) defaultMeasure (default measure)
DocumentFn (document) defaultMinValue (default min value)
DocumentPreparationServices (document preparation services) defaultMinimumHeight (default minimum height)
Documentary (documentary) defaultMinimumLength (default minimum length)
DefaultMinimumMeasure dodaIndia
DodaIndia (doda india) defaultMinimumMeasure (default minimum measure)
DodecaploidCell (codecaploid cell) defaultMinimumSphereRadius (default minimum sphere radius)
Dodgeball (dodgeball) defaultMinimumWidth (default minimum width)
Dodging (dodging) defaultNetwork (default network)
DogAndCatFoodManufacturing (dog and cat food manufacturing) defaultValue (default value)
Doll (doll) defendant (defendant)
DollAndStuffedToyManufacturing (doll and stuffed toy manufacturing) defenseLawyer (defense lawyer)
DollToyAndGameManufacturing (doll toy and game manufacturing) deliveryRegion (delivery region)
DomLanguage (dom language) dependencyDelay (dependency delay)
DomainFn (DomainFn) dependencyType (dependency type)
Dome (dome) dependentAreaOfType (dependent area of type)
Domestic (domestic) dependentGeopoliticalArea (dependent geopolitical area)
DomesticAnimal (domestic animal) deprivesNorm (deprives norm)
DomesticCat (domestic cat) depth (depth)
DomesticDog (domestic dog) describes (describes)
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