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piece RightTalusBone
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RightProximalFootPhalanxIIIBone (right proximal foot phalanx III bone) perCapitaGDP (per capita GDP)
RightProximalFootPhalanxIVBone (right proximal foot phalanx IV bone) perCapitaGDPInPeriod (per capitaGDP in period)
RightProximalFootPhalanxVBone (right proximal foot phalanx V bone) performanceResult (performance result)
RightProximalPhalanxIBone (right proximal phalanx I bone) periodicPayment (periodic payment)
RightProximalPhalanxIIBone (right proximal phalanx II bone) permanentCropLandArea (permanent crop land area)
RightProximalPhalanxIIIBone (right proximal phalanx III bone) permits (permits)
RightProximalPhalanxIVBone (right proximal phalanx IV bone) perpetrator (perpetrator)
RightProximalPhalanxVBone (right proximal phalanx V bone) personTransportCapability (person transport capability)
RightRadius (right radius) personalPhoneNumber (personal phone number)
RightRibBone (right rib bone) phMeasure (pH measure)
RightScaphoid (right scaphoid) phoneNumber (phone number)
RightScapulaBone (right scapula bone) physicalAmplitude (physical amplitude)
RightShoulder (right shoulder) physicalDomain (physical domain)
RightStapesBone (right stapes bone) physicalEnd (physical end)
RightSubclavianArtery (right subclavian artery) physicalInclusion (physical inclusion)
Piece rightTalusBone
RightTalusBone (right talus bone) piece (piece)
RightTemporalBone (right temporal bone) pin (pin)
RightThigh (right thigh) pistonStroke (piston stroke)
RightTibia (right tibia) plaintiff (plaintiff)
RightTibiaBone (RightTibiaBone) plantInArea (garden)
RightTrapezium (right trapezium) plays (plays)
RightTrapezoid (right trapezoid) playsRoleInEvent (plays role in event)
RightTriangle (right triangle) playsRoleInEventOfType (plays role in event of type)
RightTriquetral (right triquetral) pointOfFigure (point of figure)
RightTrueRib1Bone (right true rib 1 bone) pointOfIntersection (point of intersection)
RightTrueRib2Bone (right true rib 2 bone) policyInclusion (policy inclusion)
RightTrueRib3Bone (right true rib 3 bone) policyLocationCoverage (policy location coverage)
RightTrueRib4Bone (right true rib 4 bone) policyOwner (policy owner)
RightTrueRib5Bone (right true rib 5 bone) politicalPartyOfCountry (political party of country)
RightTrueRib6Bone (right true rib 6 bone) populationDensity (populationDensity)
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