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objectAttached NoncitrusFruitAndTreeNutFarming
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Nobelium (nobelium) nephew (nephew)
Nodding (nodding) netAmount (net amount)
NokdimTekoaRdWestBank (nokdim tekoa rd west bank) netWorth (net worth)
NonBinaryGender (NonBinaryGender) newRegisteredUsers (new registered users)
NonCommissionedOfficerRank (non commissioned officer rank) niece (niece)
NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure (non composite unit of measure) not (not)
NonDenominationalIndividual (non denominational individual) notices (notices)
NonFloweringPlant (non flowering plant) nounGender (noun gender)
NonFullyFormed (non fully formed) numberAdultOccupant (number of adult occupants)
NonInvasiveVentilator (NonInvasiveVentilator) numberChildOccupant (number of child occupants)
NonNullSet (non null set) numberOccupant (number of occupants)
NonRechargeableBattery (non-rechargeable battery) numberOfCPUs (number of CPUs)
NonalignedMovement (nonaligned movement) numberOfCustomers (number of customers)
NoncellulosicOrganicFiberManufacturing (noncellulosic organic fiber manufacturing) numberOfFloors (number of floors)
NonchocolateConfectioneryManufacturing (nonchocolate confectionery manufacturing) numberSeniorOccupant (number of senior occupants)
ObjectAttached noncitrusFruitAndTreeNutFarming
NoncitrusFruitAndTreeNutFarming (noncitrus fruit and tree nut farming) objectAttached (attached)
NonclayRefractoryManufacturing (nonclay refractory manufacturing) objectDetached (detached)
NoncurrentCarryingWiringDeviceManufacturing (noncurrent carrying wiring device manufacturing) objectGeographicCoordinates (object geographic coordinates)
NondepositoryCreditIntermediation (nondepository credit intermediation) objectOfBid (object of bidding)
NonferrousExceptAluminumDieCastingFoundries (nonferrous except aluminum die casting foundries) objectTransferred (object transferred)
NonferrousForging (nonferrous forging) observedAtTimeInPlace (observed at time in place)
NonferrousMetalExceptAluminumProductionAndProcessing (nonferrous metal except aluminum production and processing) observesHoliday (observes holiday)
NonferrousMetalExceptAluminumSmeltingAndRefining (nonferrous metal except aluminum smelting and refining) occupation (occupation)
NonferrousMetalExceptCopperAndAluminumRollingDrawingAndExtruding (nonferrous metal except copper and aluminum rolling drawing and extruding) occupiesPosition (occupies position)
NonferrousMetalExceptCopperAndAluminumRollingDrawingExtrudingAndAlloying (nonferrous metal except copper and aluminum rolling drawing extruding and alloying) offers (offers)
NonferrousMetalFoundries (nonferrous metal foundries) offersAtTime (offers at time)
NonfoldingSanitaryFoodContainerManufacturing (nonfolding sanitary food container manufacturing) older (older)
NoninvertingAmplifier (noninverting amplifier) onOrientation (on orientation)
Nonlinear (nonlinear) onboard (onboard)
NonlinearCircuit (nonlinear circuit) operator (operator)
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