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grammaticalRelation GrantmakingAndGivingServices
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GraduateSchool (graduate school) friend (friend)
Graduation (graduation) fulfillingEntity (fulfilling entity)
Grain (grain) fullName (full name)
GrainAndFieldBeanWholesalers (grain and field bean wholesalers) fullNameIndexOrder (full name index order)
GrainAndOilseedMilling (grain and oilseed milling) functionRoomAmenity (function room amenity)
Gram (gram) gainsControl (gains control)
GramIndeterminate (Gram-indeterminate) geneticSubstrateOfVirus (genetic substrate of virus)
GramNegative (Gram-negative) geographicSubregion (geographic subregion)
GramPositive (Gram-positive) geometricDistance (geometric distance)
GramStainAttribute (Gram stain) geometricPart (geometric part)
GramStaining (Gram staining) geopoliticalSubdivision (geopolitical subdivision)
GramVariable (Gram-variable) givenName (given name)
GrammaticalGender (grammatical gender) governmentType (government type)
GranadaSpain (granada spain) governorSpeed (governor speed)
GrandMarnier (Grand Marnier) grainSize (grain size)
GrammaticalRelation grantmakingAndGivingServices
GrantmakingAndGivingServices (grantmaking and giving services) grammaticalRelation (grammatical relation)
GrantmakingFoundations (grantmaking foundations) grandfather (grandfather)
Grape (grape) grandmother (grandmother)
GrapeSeedOil (grape seed oil) grandparent (grandparent)
GrapeVine (grape vine) granularity (granularity)
GrapeVineyards (grape vineyards) graphMeasure (graph measure)
Grapefruit (grapefruit) graphPart (graph part)
Graph (graph) grasps (grasps)
GraphArc (graph arc) greaterThan (greater than)
GraphCircuit (graph circuit) greaterThanByQuality (greater than by quality)
GraphElement (graph element) greaterThanOrEqualTo (greater than or equal to)
GraphLoop (graph loop) grossMerchandiseBoughtInPeriod (GMB)
GraphNode (graph node) grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod (GMV)
GraphPath (graph path) groundSubsurfaceType (ground subsurface type)
GraphPathFn (graph path) groundSurfaceType (ground surface type)
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