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exhaustiveAttribute FormequeColombia
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ForestDamage (forest damage) equal (equal)
ForestDegradation (forest degradation) equipmentCount (equipment count)
ForestFire (forest fire) equipmentType (equipment type)
ForestNurseriesAndGatheringOfForestProducts (forest nurseries and gathering of forest products) equivalenceRelationOn (equivalence relation on)
ForestProduct (forest product) equivalentContentClass (equivalent content class)
ForestryAndLogging (forestry and logging) equivalentContentInstance (equivalent content instance)
Forgetting (forgetting) ethnicityPercentInRegion (ethnicity percent in region)
ForgingAndStamping (forging and stamping) eveningPhone (evening phone)
FormOfAdaptationAttribute (form of adaptation attribute) eventLocated (event located)
FormOfGovernment (form of government) eventPartlyLocated (event partly located)
FormText (form text) evidence (evidence)
FormalAttribute (formal) exactCardinality (exact cardinality)
FormalIdentifier (formal identifier) exactlyLocated (exactly located)
FormalMeeting (formal meeting) exclusiveEvent (exclusive)
FormalWearAndCostumeRental (formal wear and costume rental) executiveBranch (executive branch)
ExhaustiveAttribute formequeColombia
FormequeColombia (formeque colombia) exhaustiveAttribute (exhaustive attribute)
FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry (former soviet or eastern european country) exhaustiveDecomposition (exhaustive decomposition)
Formula (formula) exists (exists)
FormulaOneDriver (Formula one driver) expects (expects)
FormulaOneRacing (Formula one racing) experiencer (experiencer)
ForwardingEmail (forwarding email) experimentID (experiment identifier string)
FossilFuel (fossil fuel) experimentUpdate (live experiment update)
FossilFuelElectricPowerGeneration (fossil fuel electric power generation) experimentalControl (experimental control)
FossilFuelPowerGeneration (fossil fuel power generation) experimentalControlProcess (experimental control (process))
Foul (foul) experimentalSubject (experimental subject)
Founder (Founder) experimentalTreatmentCollection (experimental treatment)
Founding (founding) experimentalVariableProcess (experimental variable (process))
Foundries (foundries) experimenter (experimental subject)
FourByFourTire (4x4 tire) exploits (exploits)
FourCylinderEngine (four cylinder engine) exportCommodityType (export commodity type)
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