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designPattern EnvironmentalModificationConvention
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EnterKeyPress (enter key press) defaultMinimumMeasure (default minimum measure)
EnteringAPin (entering a PIN) defaultMinimumSphereRadius (default minimum sphere radius)
EntertainmentBuilding (entertainment building) defaultMinimumWidth (default minimum width)
EntertainmentCompany (entertainment company) defaultNetwork (default network)
EntertainmentProfession (entertainment profession) defaultValue (default value)
Entity (entity) defendant (defendant)
Entombing (entombing) defenseLawyer (defense lawyer)
Envelope (envelope) deliveryRegion (delivery region)
EnvelopeManufacturing (envelope manufacturing) dependencyDelay (dependency delay)
EnvelopedVirus (enveloped virus) dependencyType (dependency type)
EnvironmentConservationAndWildlifeOrganizations (environment conservation and wildlife organizations) dependentAreaOfType (dependent area of type)
EnvironmentSoftwareAttribute (environment software attribute) dependentGeopoliticalArea (dependent geopolitical area)
EnvironmentalConsultingServices (environmental consulting services) deprivesNorm (deprives norm)
EnvironmentalCooperation (environmental cooperation) depth (depth)
EnvironmentalIssue (environmental issue) describes (describes)
DesignPattern environmentalModificationConvention
EnvironmentalModificationConvention (environmental modification convention) designPattern (design pattern)
EnvironmentalReconnaissance (environmental reconnaissance) desires (desires)
EnvironmentalWaterIssue (environmental water issue) destination (destination)
Enzyme (enzyme) detainedAtTimeInPlace (detained at time in place)
EpiPen (EpiPen) detainee (detainee)
EpicranialAponeurosis (EpicranialAponeurosis) deutschesFormat (deutschesFormat)
Epidemic (epidemic) developmentalForm (developmental form)
Epiphany (epiphany) deviceAccount (device account)
Episcopalian (episcopalian) deviceOS (device OS)
EpithelialTissue (epithelial tissue) deviceState (device state)
Epoch (epoch) deviceTelecomNumber (device telecom number)
EpsilonToxin (epsilon toxin) diameter (diameter)
EpsteinBarrVirus (Epstein–Barr virus) diastolicBloodPressure (diastolic blood pressure)
Equation (equation) diplomaticOrganizationType (diplomatic organization type)
EquationAttribute (equation attribute) diplomaticRelations (diplomatic relations)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners