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cardinality CarpentryContractors
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CargoVehicle (cargo vehicle) caliber (caliber)
CaribLanguage (carib language) callDate (call date)
CaribbeanCommunityAndCommonMarket (caribbean community and common market) canRunOn (can run on)
CaribbeanCuisine (Caribbean Cuisine) candidateForPosition (candidate for position)
CaribbeanDevelopmentBank (caribbean development bank) canonicalPlaceName (canonical place name)
CaribbeanRegion (caribbean region) capability (capability)
CaribbeanSea (caribbean sea) capabilityDuring (capable during)
CarmelIsrael (carmel israel) capableAtLocation (capable at location)
CarmenDeBolivarColombia (carmen de bolivar colombia) capacity (capacity)
Carnitine (carnitine) capacityByArrangement (capacity by arrangement)
Carnivore (carnivore) capitalCity (capital city)
CarotidArtery (carotid artery) capitalExpendituresOfArea (capital expenditures of area)
Carpenter (carpenter) capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod (capital expenditures of area in period)
Carpentry (carpentry) cardAccount (card account)
CarpentryAndFloorContractors (carpentry and floor contractors) cardCode (card code)
Cardinality carpentryContractors
CarpentryContractors (carpentry contractors) cardinality (cardinality)
CarpetAndRugMills (carpet and rug mills) cargo (cargo)
CarpetAndUpholsteryCleaningServices (carpet and upholstery cleaning services) cargoType (cargo type)
CarrejonColombia (carrejon colombia) carrierFrequency (carrier frequency)
Carrot (carrot) carries (carries)
Carrying (carrying) catalogItem (catalog item)
Cartilage (cartilage) catalyst (catalyst)
CartilageOfEustachianTube (CartilageOfEustachianTube) categoryID (category identifier string)
Cartography (cartography) categoryOf (category of)
CartridgeCase (casing) causes (causes)
CartridgeHardDisk (cartridge hard disk) causesProposition (causes proposition)
CartridgeHardDiskDrive (cartridge hard disk drive) causesSubclass (causes subclass)
CaseRole (case role) cb (cb)
CashPayment (cash payment) cellShape (cell shape)
CashewNut (cashew nut) chamberOfLegislature (chamber of legislature)
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