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wife UnitedNationsHighCommissionerForHumanRights
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UnitedFreeChurchOfScotland (United free church of Scotland) waveHeight (wave height)
UnitedHealth (United Health) wavelength (wavelength)
UnitedKingdom (united kingdom) weaponCarryingCapability (weapon carrying capability)
UnitedKingdomGallon (united kingdom gallon) wears (wears)
UnitedNations (united nations) webPageURL (url)
UnitedNationsCenterForHumanSettlements (united nations center for human settlements) webPurchases (web purchases)
UnitedNationsChildrensFund (united nations childrens fund) webSales (web sales)
UnitedNationsCivilianPoliceMissionInHaiti (united nations civilian police mission in haiti) webSeller (web seller)
UnitedNationsCompensationCommission (united nations compensation commission) webStoreAdvertisement (web store advertisement)
UnitedNationsConferenceOnTradeAndDevelopment (united nations conference on trade and development) webVisitor (web visitor)
UnitedNationsDevelopmentProgram (united nations development program) webcart (web cart)
UnitedNationsDisengagementObserverForce (united nations disengagement observer force) weddingAnniversary (weddingAnniversary)
UnitedNationsEducationalScientificAndCulturalOrganization (united nations educational scientific and cultural organization) weddingdate (weddingdate)
UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgram (united nations environment program) weight (weight)
UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly (united nations general assembly) width (width)
Wife unitedNationsHighCommissionerForHumanRights
UnitedNationsHighCommissionerForHumanRights (united nations high commissioner for human rights) wife (wife)
UnitedNationsHighCommissionerForRefugees (united nations high commissioner for refugees) windDrivenMotion (wind driven motion)
UnitedNationsIndustrialDevelopmentOrganization (united nations industrial development organization) windRelativePosition (wind relative position)
UnitedNationsInstituteForDisarmamentResearch (united nations institute for disarmament research) witness (witness)
UnitedNationsInstituteForTrainingAndResearch (united nations institute for training and research) workAddress (work address)
UnitedNationsInterimAdministrationMissionInKosovo (united nations interim administration mission in kosovo) workLocation (work location)
UnitedNationsInterimAdminstrationMissionInKosovo (united nations interim adminstration mission in kosovo) workPhoneNumber (work phone number)
UnitedNationsInterimForceInLebanon (united nations interim force in lebanon) year (year)
UnitedNationsInterregionalCrimeAndJusticeResearchInstitute (united nations interregional crime and justice research institute) yearBuilt (year built)
UnitedNationsIraqKuwaitBoundaryDemarcationCommission (united nations iraq kuwait boundary demarcation commission) yearOfFounding (year of founding)
UnitedNationsIraqKuwaitObservationMission (united nations iraq kuwait observation mission) yield (yield)
UnitedNationsMilitaryObserverGroupInIndiaAndPakistan (united nations military observer group in india and pakistan) yieldLevel (yield level)
UnitedNationsMissionForTheReferendumInWesternSahara (united nations mission for the referendum in western sahara) ()
UnitedNationsMissionInBosniaAndHerzegovina (united nations mission in bosnia and herzegovina) ()
UnitedNationsMissionInEthiopiaAndEritrea (united nations mission in ethiopia and eritrea) ()
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