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maternalAunt OfficeBuilding
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Oceania (oceania) lowestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncome (lowest decile share of household income)
OctaploidCell (octaploid cell) lowestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncomeInPeriod (lowest decile share of household income in period)
October (October) lowestTemperatureForPeriod (lowest temperature for period)
Octopus (octopus) lyricist (lyricist)
OctopusMeat (octopus) magneticVariation (magnetic variation)
OcularGroupArtery (ocular group artery) managedBy (managed by)
OcularMuscularArtery (ocular muscular artery) manner (manner)
OculomotorNerveCNIII (oculomotor nerve [CNIII]) manufacturer (manufacturer)
OddInteger (odd integer) mapOfArea (map of area)
OesophagealBranchArtery (oesophageal branch artery) marginBalanceAmount (margin balance amount)
OffensiveInformationOperation (offensive information operation) marineInventory (marine inventory)
Offering (offering) maritimeClaimType (maritime claim type)
OfferingForSale (offering for sale) maritimeHazard (maritime hazard)
OfferingToPurchase (offering to purchase) marketValueAmount (market value amount)
OfficeAdministrativeServices (office administrative services) material (material)
MaternalAunt officeBuilding
OfficeBuilding (office building) maternalAunt (maternal aunt)
OfficeEquipmentWholesalers (office equipment wholesalers) maternalUncle (maternal uncle)
OfficeFurnitureExceptWoodManufacturing (office furniture except wood manufacturing) maturityDate (maturity date)
OfficeFurnitureIncludingFixturesManufacturing (office furniture including fixtures manufacturing) maxCardinality (max cardinality)
OfficeMachineryAndEquipmentRentalAndLeasing (office machinery and equipment rental and leasing) maxCylinderVolume (max cylinder volume)
OfficeMachineryManufacturing (office machinery manufacturing) maxDeviceOperatingTemp (maximum device operating temperature)
OfficeSuppliesAndStationeryStores (office supplies and stationery stores) maxDeviceStorageTemp (maximum device storage temperature)
OfficeSuppliesExceptPaperManufacturing (office supplies except paper manufacturing) maxRoomCapacity (maximum capacity)
OfficeSuppliesStationeryAndGiftStores (office supplies stationery and gift stores) maxValue (max value)
OfficesOfAllOtherHealthPractitioners (offices of all other health practitioners) maximumPayloadCapacity (maximum payload capacity)
OfficesOfAllOtherMiscellaneousHealthPractitioners (offices of all other miscellaneous health practitioners) maximumPayloadHeightWidth (maximum payload height width)
OfficesOfBankHoldingCompanies (offices of bank holding companies) maximumReplications (maximum replications)
OfficesOfCertifiedPublicAccountants (offices of certified public accountants) mealPlanInclusion (meal plan inclusion)
OfficesOfChiropractors (offices of chiropractors) meanSeaLevel (mean sea level)
OfficesOfDentists (offices of dentists) measure (measure)
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