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SwimmingPool (swimming pool) subclass (subclass)
SwimmingSport (swimming sport) subjectiveAttribute (subjective attribute)
SwissCuisine (Swiss Cuisine) subordinateInOrganization (subordinate in organization)
SwissFranc (swiss franc) subordinatePosition (subordinate position)
SwissFrenchSignLanguage (swiss french sign language) subrelation (subrelation)
SwissGermanSignLanguage (swiss german sign language) subset (subset)
SwissItalianSignLanguage (swiss italian sign language) substanceElement (substance element)
SwitchDevice (switch device) subsumedExternalConcept (subsumed external concept)
SwitchgearAndSwitchboardApparatusManufacturing (switchgear and switchboard apparatus manufacturing) subsumesContentClass (subsumes content class)
Switzerland (switzerland) subsumesContentInstance (subsumes content instance)
Sword (sword) subsumingExternalConcept (subsuming external concept)
Syllable (syllable) subtitle (subtitle)
SymbianOS (symbian OS) successEvent (exclusive)
SymbolicString (symbolic string) successorAttribute (successor attribute)
SymmetricPositionalAttribute (symmetric positional attribute) successorAttributeClosure (successor attribute closure)
SuccessorClass symmetricRelation
SymmetricRelation (symmetric relation) successorClass (successor class)
SymmetricShape (symmetric shape) successorOrganization (successor organization)
Synagogue (synagogue) suffers (suffers)
SyntheticDyeAndPigmentManufacturing (synthetic dye and pigment manufacturing) suffrageAgeMaximum (suffrage age maximum)
SyntheticOrganicDyeAndPigmentManufacturing (synthetic organic dye and pigment manufacturing) suffrageAgeMinimum (suffrage age minimum)
SyntheticRubberManufacturing (synthetic rubber manufacturing) superficialPart (superficial part)
SyntheticSubstance (synthetic substance) suppliesBlood (suppliesBlood)
SyntheticWicker (synthetic wicker) surface (surface)
Syria (syria) surfaceWindDirection (surface wind direction)
SyrianCuisine (Syrian Cuisine) surfaceWindSpeed (surface wind speed)
SyrianPound (syrian pound) surfaceWindVelocity (surface wind velocity)
SystemBehaviorAttribute (system behavior attribute) sv (sv)
SystemDesign (system design) synonymousExternalConcept (synonymous external concept)
SystemInternationalUnit (SystemInternationalUnit) systemBehavior (system behavior)
SystemSpecification (system specification) systemMeasured (system measured)
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