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automatedNotification Brass
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BrakeSystem (brake system) arrested (arrested)
Braking (braking) arrestingOfficer (arresting officer)
BranchArteryToSurfaceOfTheFemurAndTheKneeJoint (branch artery to surface of the femur and the knee joint) askPrice (ask price)
BranchToAbdominalMusclesArtery (branch to abdominal muscles artery) associateInOrganization (associate in organization)
BranchToDiaphragmArtery (branch to diaphragm artery) associateWithStatus (associate with status)
BranchToLowerPartOfThePericardiumArtery (branch to lower part of the pericardium artery) associatedFunctionality (associated functionality)
BranchToPopliteusArtery (branch to popliteus artery) atTheMoney (at the money)
BranchToVastusMedialisArtery (branch to vastus medialis artery) atomicNumber (atomic number)
BranchToVolarCarpalNetworkArtery (branch to volar carpal network artery) attends (attends)
BranchesOfSubmentalArteryBranchesOfSuprascapularArtery (BranchesOfSubmentalArteryBranchesOfSuprascapularArtery) attitudeForFormula (attitude for formula)
BranchesToAlveolarCanalsArtery (branches to alveolar canals artery) attitudeForObject (attitude for object)
BranchesToGingivaArtery (branches to gingiva artery) attorney (attorney)
BranchesToTheDeltoidMuscleArtery (branches to the deltoid muscle artery) attribute (attribute)
Brand (brand) aunt (aunt)
Brandy (brandy) authors (authors)
AutomatedNotification brass
Brass (brass) automatedNotification (automated notification)
Brazil (brazil) availableBalance (available balance)
BrazilianCuisine (Brazilian Cuisine) availableCash (available cash)
BrazilianHemorrhagicFever (brazilian hemorrhagic fever) average (average)
BrazilianReal (brazilian real) averagePrecipitationForPeriod (average precipitation for period)
BrazilianSignLanguage (brazilian sign language) averageRainfallForPeriod (average rainfall for period)
BreadAndBakeryProductManufacturing (bread and bakery product manufacturing) averageTemperatureForPeriod (average temperature for period)
BreadOrBiscuit (bread or biscuit) axis (axis)
Breadfruit (breadfruit) bandwidth (bandwidth of)
BreakabilityAttribute (breakability attribute) bankAccount (bank account)
Breakfast (breakfast) baptizeddate (baptizedmdate)
BreakfastCerealManufacturing (breakfast cereal manufacturing) baptizedplace (baptizedplace)
BreakfastTime (breakfast time) barometricPressure (barometric pressure)
Breaking (breaking) batchInterArrival (batch inter arrival)
BreakingRecord (breaking record) batchLatency (batch latency)
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