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applicableRelation Bahaism
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Bacon (bacon) angleOfFigure (angle of figure)
Bacteria (Bacteria) angularMeasure (angular measure)
BacterialAgent (bacterial agent) anniversary (anniversary)
BacterialDisease (bacterial disease) annualElectricityConsumption (annual electricity consumption)
BacterialPneumonia (Bacterial pneumonia) annualElectricityExport (annual electricity export)
Bacterium (bacterium) annualElectricityImport (annual electricity import)
BadAirQuality (Bad air quality) annualElectricityProduction (annual electricity production)
BadVilbelGermany (bad vilbel germany) annualExpendituresOfArea (annual expenditures of area)
Badger (badger) annualExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod (annual expenditures of area in period)
Badminton (badminton) annualExportTotal (annual export total)
Bag (bag) annualImportTotal (annual import total)
Bagel (bagel) annualRevenuesOfArea (annual revenues of area)
BaghdadIraq (baghdad iraq) annualRevenuesOfAreaInPeriod (annual revenues of area in period)
BagreColombia (bagre colombia) antagonistMuscles (antagonist muscles)
Bahai (bahai) anthem (anthem)
ApplicableRelation bahaism
Bahaism (bahaism) applicableRelation (applicable relation)
BahamasCreoleEnglishLanguage (bahamas creole english language) appointedPosition (appointedPosition)
BahamianDollar (bahamian dollar) appraisedValue (appraised value)
BahawalpurPakistan (bahawalpur pakistan) approves (approves)
Bahrain (bahrain) approximateDiameter (approximate diameter)
BahrainianDinar (bahrainian dinar) approximateValue (approximate value)
BaibaiGroupLanguage (baibai group language) arableLandArea (arable land area)
BaibaiLanguage (baibai language) arcWeight (arc weight)
Baileys (Baileys) areaOfOperation (area of operation)
BajanCuisine (Bajan Cuisine) areaOfResponsibility (area of responsibility)
BajanLanguage (bajan language) arrested (arrested)
BakaAlGarbiyehIsrael (baka al garbiyeh israel) arrestingOfficer (arresting officer)
BakedGoodsStores (baked goods stores) askPrice (ask price)
BakerIsland (baker island) associateInOrganization (associate in organization)
BakeriesAndTortillaManufacturing (bakeries and tortilla manufacturing) associateWithStatus (associate with status)
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