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capacityByArrangement AutomobileGovernor
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AutoimmuneVasculitis (autoimmune vasculitis) burialplace (burialplace)
AutomatedNotificationSystem (automated notification system) burnInPeriod (burn-in period)
AutomatedProcess (automated process) businessHours (business hours)
AutomatedSystem (automated system) businessUnit (business unit)
AutomaticApplication (automatic application) buyingPowerAmount (buying power amount)
AutomaticEnvironmentalControlManufacturingForResidentialCommercialAndApplianceUse (automatic environmental control manufacturing for residential commercial and appliance use) buys (buys)
AutomaticGun (automatic gun) caliber (caliber)
AutomaticTransaction (automatic transaction) callDate (call date)
AutomaticVendingMachineManufacturing (automatic vending machine manufacturing) canRunOn (can run on)
Automobile (automobile) candidateForPosition (candidate for position)
AutomobileAndLightDutyMotorVehicleManufacturing (automobile and light duty motor vehicle manufacturing) canonicalPlaceName (canonical place name)
AutomobileAndOtherMotorVehicleWholesalers (automobile and other motor vehicle wholesalers) capability (capability)
AutomobileDealers (automobile dealers) capabilityDuring (capable during)
AutomobileDrivingSchools (automobile driving schools) capableAtLocation (capable at location)
AutomobileExhaustSystem (exhaust system) capacity (capacity)
CapacityByArrangement automobileGovernor
AutomobileGovernor (governor) capacityByArrangement (capacity by arrangement)
AutomobileIgnitionSystem (automobile ignition system) capitalCity (capital city)
AutomobileManufacturing (automobile manufacturing) capitalExpendituresOfArea (capital expenditures of area)
AutomobileMuffler (muffler) capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod (capital expenditures of area in period)
AutomobileSeat (car seat) cardAccount (card account)
AutomobileShock (shock) cardCode (card code)
AutomobileTransmission (transmission) cardinality (cardinality)
AutomotiveBodyPaintAndInteriorRepairAndMaintenance (automotive body paint and interior repair and maintenance) cargo (cargo)
AutomotiveBodyPaintInteriorAndGlassRepair (automotive body paint interior and glass repair) cargoType (cargo type)
AutomotiveEquipmentRentalAndLeasing (automotive equipment rental and leasing) carrierFrequency (carrier frequency)
AutomotiveExhaustSystemRepair (automotive exhaust system repair) carries (carries)
AutomotiveGlassReplacementShops (automotive glass replacement shops) catalogItem (catalog item)
AutomotiveMechanicalAndElectricalRepairAndMaintenance (automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance) catalyst (catalyst)
AutomotiveOilChangeAndLubricationShops (automotive oil change and lubrication shops) categoryID (category identifier string)
AutomotivePartsAccessoriesAndTireStores (automotive parts accessories and tire stores) categoryOf (category of)
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