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totalLengthOfWaterways UrenaVenezuela
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UpperSurfaceOfTransverseProcessOfAtlas (UpperSurfaceOfTransverseProcessOfAtlas) titles (titles)
Upstairs (upstairs) tonicity (tonicity)
Upstream (upstream) top (top)
Uptick (uptick) topSpeed (top speed)
Upwind (upwind) total (total)
UralicLanguage (uralic language) totalArea (total area)
Uranium (uranium) totalBalance (total balance)
UraniumRadiumVanadiumOreMining (uranium radium vanadium ore mining) totalBiomass (total biomass)
UrarinaLanguage (urarina language) totalCoastline (total coastline)
UrbanArea (urban) totalFacilityTypeInArea (total facility type in area)
UrbanTransitSystems (urban transit systems) totalGDP (totalGDP)
UrbanizationIssue (urbanization issue) totalGDPInPeriod (totalGDP in period)
UrduLanguage (Urdu language) totalLandBoundary (total land boundary)
Urea (urea) totalLengthOfHighwaySystem (total length of highway system)
UreaCarrierShip (urea carrier ship) totalLengthOfRailwaySystem (total length of railway system)
TotalLengthOfWaterways urenaVenezuela
UrenaVenezuela (urena venezuela) totalLengthOfWaterways (total length of waterways)
UrethaneAndOtherFoamProductExceptPolystyreneManufacturing (urethane and other foam product except polystyrene manufacturing) totalOrderingOn (total ordering on)
Urethra (urethra) totalPipelineInArea (total pipeline in area)
UrethralArtery (urethral artery) totalPrecipitationForPeriod (total precipitation for period)
Urination (urination) trackWidth (track width)
Urine (urine) trafficableForTrafficType (trafficable for traffic type)
UrraColombia (urra colombia) transactionAmount (transaction amount)
UrsMartanRussia (urs martan russia) transformerCapacity (transformer capacity)
Urticaria (Urticaria) transitwayCapacityCount (transitway capacity count)
UruChipayaLanguage (uru chipaya language) transitwayCapacityRate (transitway capacity rate)
UruLanguage (uru language) translatedTitle (translated title)
UruPaInLanguage (uru pa in language) transported (transported)
UrubuKaaporSignLanguage (urubu kaapor sign language) traverses (traverses)
Uruguay (uruguay) treatedPage (treated page)
UruguayanCuisine (Uruguayan Cuisine) treatedPageDefinition (treated page definition)
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