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headingWRTTrueNorth FeelingWeak
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FeelingAtEase (feeling at ease) hasExpertise (has expertise)
FeelingBad (feeling bad) hasGUEState (has GUE state)
FeelingCalm (feeling calm) hasMolecularStructuralAttribute (has molecular structural attribute)
FeelingCold (feeling cold) hasOccupation (has occupation)
FeelingDubious (dubious) hasPurpose (has purpose)
FeelingEnergetic (feeling energetic) hasPurposeForAgent (has purpose for agent)
FeelingExhausted (feeling exhausted) hasSkill (has skill)
FeelingGood (feeling positive) hasThroughVariable (has through variable)
FeelingHot (feeling hot) hasUniform (has uniform)
FeelingInControl (feeling in control) hasVariable (has variable)
FeelingNervous (feeling nervous) havePartTypes (have part types)
FeelingOutOfControl (feeling out of control) hazardous (hazardous)
FeelingRestless (feeling restless) headOfGovernment (head of government)
FeelingStrong (feeling strong) headingWRTCompassNorth (headingWRT compass north)
FeelingTired (feeling tired) headingWRTMagneticNorth (headingWRT magnetic north)
HeadingWRTTrueNorth feelingWeak
FeelingWeak (feeling weak) headingWRTTrueNorth (headingWRT true north)
Feline (feline) headquartersOfOrganization (headquarters of organization)
Felling (felling) hearingAcuity (visual acuity)
FellowshipOfChurchesOfChrist (Fellowship of churches of Christ) heartRate (heart rate)
FellowshipOfIndependentEvangelicalChurches (Fellowship of independent evangelical churches) height (height)
Female (female) hi (hi)
FemaleConnector (female connector) highAltitudeWindSpeed (high altitude wind speed)
FemaleExecutiveRoom (female executive room) highAltitudeWindVelocity (high altitude wind velocity)
FemaleHuman (FemaleHuman) highTide (high tide)
FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn (female life expectancy at birth) highestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncome (highest decile share of household income)
FeminineGrammaticalGender (feminine) highestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncomeInPeriod (highest decile share of household income in period)
FemoralArtery (femoral artery) highestTemperatureForPeriod (highest temperature for period)
FemoralNerve (femoral nerve) hinders (hinders)
FemoralNerveAndObturatorNerveMedialCompartment11 (femoral nerve and obturator nerve (medial compartment)[11]) hindersSubclass (hinders subclass)
FemoralNerveL2L37 (femoral nerve (L2, L3[7])) holds (holds)
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