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lengthOfDualGaugeRailway HmongMienLanguage
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Hinge (hinge) languagePercentInRegion (language percent in region)
Hip (Hip) larger (larger)
HipHopMusic (hip hop music) lastRenovation (last renovation)
HipJoint (hip joint) lastStatement (last statement)
HiriMotuLanguage (hiri motu language) lastStatementBalance (last statement balance)
Hiring (hiring) leader (leader)
Histone (Histone) leaderPosition (leader position)
Historian (historian) legalGuardian (legal guardian)
Historical (historical) legalRelation (legal relation)
HistoricalAccount (historical account) legalSystemType (legal system type)
HistoricalSites (historical sites) legislativeBranch (legislative branch)
History (history) lender (lender)
HivAids (hiv aids) length (length)
Hives (hives) lengthOfBroadGaugeRailway (length of broad gauge railway)
HizmaWestBank (hizma west bank) lengthOfCrudeOilPipeline (length of crude oil pipeline)
LengthOfDualGaugeRailway hmongMienLanguage
HmongMienLanguage (hmong mien language) lengthOfDualGaugeRailway (length of dual gauge railway)
HoChiMinhCitySignLanguage (ho chi minh city sign language) lengthOfElectrifiedRailway (length of electrified railway)
HobbyToyAndGameStores (hobby toy and game stores) lengthOfExpresswaySystem (length of expressway system)
HocakLanguage (hocak language) lengthOfMultipleTrackRailway (length of multiple track railway)
Hockey (hockey) lengthOfNarrowGaugeRailway (length of narrow gauge railway)
HockeyPlayer (Hockey player) lengthOfNaturalGasPipeline (length of natural gas pipeline)
HodayaJunctionIsrael (hodaya junction israel) lengthOfPavedHighway (length of paved highway)
HogAndPigFarming (hog and pig farming) lengthOfPetroleumProductPipeline (length of petroleum product pipeline)
HoistingDevice (hoisting device) lengthOfStandardGaugeRailway (length of standard gauge railway)
HokanLanguage (hokan language) lengthOfUnclassifiedGaugeRailway (length of unclassified gauge railway)
HokkienLanguage (Hokkien language) lengthOfUnpavedHighway (length of unpaved highway)
HoldenCorporation (Holden Corporation) lessThan (less than)
HoldenToranaAutomobile (Torana) lessThanOrEqualTo (less than or equal to)
Holder (holder) lethalDose (lethal dose)
Hole (Hole) lexicon (lexicon)
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