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webcart Altimeter
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AlphaIDString (alpha ID string) wants (wants)
AlphaNumericIDString (alpha numeric ID string) warmSeasonInArea (warm season in area)
AlphaNumericString (alpha numeric string) watchingListings (watching listings)
AlphabetCorporation (Alphabet) waterAreaOnly (water area only)
AlphabeticCharacter (alphabetic character) waterDepth (water depth)
AlphabeticString (alphabetic string) waveHeight (wave height)
AlpineCuisine (Alpine Cuisine) wavelength (wavelength)
AlsatianCuisine (Alsatian Cuisine) weaponCarryingCapability (weapon carrying capability)
AltKey (alt key) wears (wears)
AltKeyHoldDown (alt key hold down) webPageURL (url)
AltaicLanguage (altaic language) webPurchases (web purchases)
AlternativeCountry (alternative country) webSales (web sales)
AlternativeDance (alternative dance) webSeller (web seller)
AlternativeRock (alternative rock) webStoreAdvertisement (web store advertisement)
Alternator (alternator) webVisitor (web visitor)
Webcart altimeter
Altimeter (altimeter) webcart (web cart)
AltitudeMeasure (altitude measure) weddingAnniversary (weddingAnniversary)
Alumina (alumina) weddingdate (weddingdate)
AluminaAndAluminumProductionAndProcessing (alumina and aluminum production and processing) weight (weight)
AluminaRefining (alumina refining) width (width)
Aluminum (aluminum) wife (wife)
AluminumDieCastingFoundries (aluminum die casting foundries) windDrivenMotion (wind driven motion)
AluminumExtrudedProductManufacturing (aluminum extruded product manufacturing) windRelativePosition (wind relative position)
AluminumFoundriesExceptDieCasting (aluminum foundries except die casting) witness (witness)
AluminumSheetPlateAndFoilManufacturing (aluminum sheet plate and foil manufacturing) workAddress (work address)
AlutorLanguage (alutor language) workLocation (work location)
AlveolarProcessesOfMaxillaAndMandiblePterygomandibularRaphe (AlveolarProcessesOfMaxillaAndMandiblePterygomandibularRaphe) workPhoneNumber (work phone number)
AlveolarYokeOfCanineTooth (AlveolarYokeOfCanineTooth) year (year)
AlveolarYokeOfIncisorTooth (AlveolarYokeOfIncisorTooth) yearBuilt (year built)
AlveolarYokeOfLowerLateralIncisorToothFoundOnAnteriorMandible (AlveolarYokeOfLowerLateralIncisorToothFoundOnAnteriorMandible) yearOfFounding (year of founding)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners