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surfaceWindDirection TeaPlant
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TaxReturn (tax return) subsumesContentClass (subsumes content class)
TaxableInvestment (taxable investment) subsumesContentInstance (subsumes content instance)
TaxiAndLimousineService (taxi and limousine service) subsumingExternalConcept (subsuming external concept)
TaxiService (taxi service) subtitle (subtitle)
Taxicab (taxicab) successEvent (exclusive)
TaxilaPakistan (taxila pakistan) successorAttribute (successor attribute)
Taxonomy (taxonomy) successorAttributeClosure (successor attribute closure)
TayBoiLanguage (tay boi language) successorClass (successor class)
TayartTamasheqLanguage (tayart tamasheq language) successorOrganization (successor organization)
TayoLanguage (tayo language) suffers (suffers)
Tazac (Tazac) suffrageAgeMaximum (suffrage age maximum)
TaznatitLanguage (taznatit language) suffrageAgeMinimum (suffrage age minimum)
Tea (tea) superficialPart (superficial part)
TeaBud (tea bud) suppliesBlood (suppliesBlood)
TeaLeaf (tea leaf) surface (surface)
SurfaceWindDirection teaPlant
TeaPlant (TeaPlant) surfaceWindDirection (surface wind direction)
TeaPlantAerialPart (tea plant aerial part) surfaceWindSpeed (surface wind speed)
TeaTree (tea tree) surfaceWindVelocity (surface wind velocity)
TeaTreeOil (tea tree oil) sv (sv)
TeaTwig (tea twig) synonymousExternalConcept (synonymous external concept)
Teacher (teacher) systemBehavior (system behavior)
TeamSport (team sport) systemMeasured (system measured)
TearGland (tear gland) systemPart (system part)
TearSubstance (tear) systolicBloodPressure (systolic blood pressure)
Technetium (technetium) tTest (t test result)
TechnicalAndTradeSchools (technical and trade schools) tags (tags)
Technique (technique) tangent (tangent)
TechnologyCooperation (technology cooperation) targetInAttack (target in attack)
Teenager (teenager) task (task)
TegucigalpaHonduras (tegucigalpa honduras) taskRelation (task relation)
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