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meetsSpatially LightRoast
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LiceTurkey (lice turkey) maximumPayloadHeightWidth (maximum payload height width)
License (license) maximumReplications (maximum replications)
LicenseAgreement (license agreement) mealPlanInclusion (meal plan inclusion)
Lichen (lichen) meanSeaLevel (mean sea level)
Licking (licking) measure (measure)
Lid (lid) measurementReading (measurement reading)
Liechtenstein (liechtenstein) measuringListDuration (measuring list duration)
Lieutenant (lieutenant) measuringListInterval (measuring list interval)
LieutenantGovernor (lieutenant governor) measuringResult (measuring result)
LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn (life expectancy at birth) meatOfAnimal (meat of animal)
LifeThreateningAgent (life threatening agent) meceCollection (mutually exclusive completely exhaustive)
LifeThreateningDisease (life threatening disease) medicalPatient (medical patient)
LiftFn (lift) medicine (medicine)
LightBulb (light bulb) mediumAltitudeWindSpeed (medium altitude wind speed)
LightFixture (light fixture) mediumAltitudeWindVelocity (medium altitude wind velocity)
MeetsSpatially lightRoast
LightRoast (light roast) meetsSpatially (meets spatially)
LightTruck (light truck) meetsTemporally (meets temporally)
LightTruckAndUtilityVehicleManufacturing (light truck and utility vehicle manufacturing) meltingPoint (melting point)
LightingFixtureManufacturing (lighting fixture manufacturing) member (member)
Lightning (lightning) memberAtTime (member at time)
LigurianCuisine (Ligurian Cuisine) memberCount (member count)
LigurianLanguage (ligurian language) memberMeasure (member measure)
Likely (likely) memberType (member type)
Lilac (lilac) memberTypeCount (member type count)
LimaPeru (lima peru) memorySize (memory size)
Limb (limb) middleName (middle name)
LimbWeakening (limb weakening) militaryAge (military age)
LimburgishLanguage (Limburgish language) militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDP (military expenditures fraction of GDP)
Lime (lime) militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDPInPeriod (military expenditures fraction of GDP in period)
LimeAndGypsumProductManufacturing (lime and gypsum product manufacturing) militaryExpendituresInUSDollars (military expenditures in US dollars)
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