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conveyance CookedAttribute
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ConvenienceStores (convenience stores) contestObject (contest object)
ConventionAndTradeShowOrganizers (convention and trade show organizers) contestOrganizer (contest organizer)
ConventionAndVisitorsBureaus (convention and visitors bureaus) contestParticipant (contest participant)
ConventionCenter (convention center) contestParticipantRepresentation (contest representation)
ConventionalArmsControl (conventional arms control) contractedRentalPrice (contracted rental price)
ConventionalAttribute (conventional) contractor (contractor)
ConventionalMortgage (conventional mortgage) contraryAttribute (contrary attribute)
ConventionalOption (conventional option) contraryAttributeWRT (contrary attribute WRT)
ConversionRateFn (conversion rate) contraryProperty (contraryProperty)
ConvertedPaperProductManufacturing (converted paper product manufacturing) contrastRatio (contrast ratio)
Convex (convex) controlGroup (control group)
ConvexRoundShape (convex round shape) controlled (controlled)
ConveyorAndConveyingEquipmentManufacturing (conveyor and conveying equipment manufacturing) conventionalLongName (official name)
Convoy (convoy) conventionalShortName (acronym)
CookIslands (cook islands) conversionEvent (conversionEvent)
Conveyance cookedAttribute
CookedAttribute (cooked) conveyance (conveyance)
CookedDish (cooked dish) cooccur (cooccur)
CookieAndCrackerManufacturing (cookie and cracker manufacturing) coolSeasonInArea (cool season in area)
CookieCrackerAndPastaManufacturing (cookie cracker and pasta manufacturing) coordinates (coordinates)
Cooking (cooking) copy (copy)
CoolTemperature (cool) coreBodyTemp (coreBodyTemp)
Cooling (cooling) corkageFee (corkage fee)
CoolingDevice (cooling device) counselInCase (counsel in case)
CoolingFlavour (cooling flavour) couponInterest (coupon interest)
CooperatingState (cooperating state) courseWRTCompassNorth (courseWRT compass north)
Cooperation (cooperation) courseWRTMagneticNorth (courseWRT magnetic north)
CooperationInCivilAviation (cooperation in civil aviation) courseWRTTrueNorth (courseWRT true north)
CoordinateCreditPolicy (coordinate credit policy) cousin (cousin)
CoordinatedUniversalTimeZone (coordinated universal time zone) covers (covers)
CoordinatingCommitteeOnExportControls (coordinating committee on export controls) coworker (coworker)
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