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successEvent SquareKilometer
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SpratlyIslands (spratly islands) subProposition (sub proposition)
Spraying (spraying) subString (sub string)
SpreadOption (spread option) subSystem (sub system)
Spring (spring) subclass (subclass)
SpringAndWireProductManufacturing (spring and wire product manufacturing) subjectiveAttribute (subjective attribute)
SpringElement (spring element) subordinateInOrganization (subordinate in organization)
SpringHeavyGaugeManufacturing (spring heavy gauge manufacturing) subordinatePosition (subordinate position)
SpringLightGaugeManufacturing (spring light gauge manufacturing) subrelation (subrelation)
SpringSeason (spring season) subset (subset)
Sprinkler (sprinkler) substanceElement (substance element)
SpruceTree (Spruce tree) subsumedExternalConcept (subsumed external concept)
SpruceWood (Spruce wood) subsumesContentClass (subsumes content class)
Squall (squall) subsumesContentInstance (subsumes content instance)
Square (square) subsumingExternalConcept (subsuming external concept)
SquareFoot (square foot) subtitle (subtitle)
SuccessEvent squareKilometer
SquareKilometer (square kilometer) successEvent (exclusive)
SquareMeter (square meter) successorAttribute (successor attribute)
SquareMile (square mile) successorAttributeClosure (successor attribute closure)
SquareRootFn (square root) successorClass (successor class)
SquareUnitFn (square unit) successorOrganization (successor organization)
SquareYard (square yard) suffers (suffers)
Squash (squash) suffrageAgeMaximum (suffrage age maximum)
SquashSport (squash sport) suffrageAgeMinimum (suffrage age minimum)
Squatting (squatting) superficialPart (superficial part)
Squid (squid) suppliesBlood (suppliesBlood)
SquidMeat (squid) surface (surface)
Squirrel (squirrel) surfaceWindDirection (surface wind direction)
SrananLanguage (sranan language) surfaceWindSpeed (surface wind speed)
SriLanka (sri lanka) surfaceWindVelocity (surface wind velocity)
SriLankanCreoleMalayLanguage (sri lankan creole malay language) sv (sv)
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