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serviceFee SpeakingAtAFasterRate
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SpanishCuisine (Spanish Cuisine) seatsHeldInOrganization (seats held in organization)
SpanishLanguage (spanish language) seatsInOrganizationCount (seats in organization count)
SpanishPeseta (spanish peseta) seatsWonInElection (seats won in election)
SpanishQuechuaMixedLanguage (spanish quechua mixed language) second (second)
SpanishSignLanguage (spanish sign language) secretesSubstance (secretes substance)
Spark (spark) secretesToxin (secretes toxin)
SparkPlug (spark plug) sectorCompositionOfGDP (sector composition ofGDP)
SparklingWater (sparkling water) sectorCompositionOfGDPInPeriod (sector composition of GDP in period)
SparseVegetation (sparse vegetation) sectorValueOfGDP (sector value of GDP)
SpatialRelation (spatial relation) sectorValueOfGDPInPeriod (sector value of GDP in period)
SpeakerDevice (speaker) securedBy (secured by)
Speaking (speaking) securityQA (security QA)
SpeakingALongUtterance (speaking a long utterance) sendRate (send rate)
SpeakingAShortUtterance (speaking a short utterance) sententialObject (sentential object)
SpeakingAssertively (speaking assertively) sententialSubject (sentential subject)
ServiceFee speakingAtAFasterRate
SpeakingAtAFasterRate (speaking at a faster rate) serviceFee (service fee)
SpeakingAtASlowerRate (speaking at a slower rate) serviceProvider (service provider)
SpeakingInADisturbedFashion (speaking in a disturbed fashion) serviceRecipient (service recipient)
SpeakingLoudly (speaking loudly) settlingTime (settling time)
SpeakingSoftly (speaking softly) shape (shape)
SpeakingWithAlteredSpeechMelody (speaking with altered speech melody) shapeChange (shapeChange)
SpeakingWithTremblingVoice (speaking with trembling voice) shareHolder (share holder)
Spear (spear) shareOf (share of)
SpecialCharacterPress (special character press) sharedBorderLength (shared border length)
SpecialComputerKeyboardKey (special computer keyboard key) sheddingBodyPart (shedding body part)
SpecialDieAndToolDieSetJigAndFixtureManufacturing (special die and tool die set jig and fixture manufacturing) sheddingLeaves (shedding leaves)
SpecialFoodServices (special food services) shooting (shooting)
SpecialNeedsTransportation (special needs transportation) shortBalanceAmount (short balance amount)
SpecialOperation (special operation) shortage (shortage)
SpecialOperationsForces (special operations force) shutdownOf (shutdown of)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners