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maturityDate LeafSpring
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LawnAndGardenEquipmentAndSuppliesStores (lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores) lowestTemperatureForPeriod (lowest temperature for period)
LawnAndGardenTractorAndHomeLawnAndGardenEquipmentManufacturing (lawn and garden tractor and home lawn and garden equipment manufacturing) lyricist (lyricist)
Lawrencium (lawrencium) magneticVariation (magnetic variation)
Lawyer (lawyer) managedBy (managed by)
LayingEggs (laying eggs) manner (manner)
LazLanguage (laz language) manufacturer (manufacturer)
Lead (lead) mapOfArea (map of area)
LeadAcidWetBattery (lead acid battery) marginBalanceAmount (margin balance amount)
LeadIndustry (lead industry) marineInventory (marine inventory)
LeadManufacturing (lead manufacturing) maritimeClaimType (maritime claim type)
LeadOre (lead ore) maritimeHazard (maritime hazard)
LeadOreAndZincOreMining (lead ore and zinc ore mining) marketValueAmount (market value amount)
LeadOreMining (lead ore mining) material (material)
LeadPencilAndArtGoodManufacturing (lead pencil and art good manufacturing) maternalAunt (maternal aunt)
Leader (leader) maternalUncle (maternal uncle)
MaturityDate leafSpring
LeafSpring (leaf spring) maturityDate (maturity date)
LeafyGreenVegetable (leafy green vegetable) maxCardinality (max cardinality)
LeapYear (leap year) maxCylinderVolume (max cylinder volume)
Leapyear (Leapyear) maxDeviceOperatingTemp (maximum device operating temperature)
Learning (learning) maxDeviceStorageTemp (maximum device storage temperature)
LeastCommonMultipleFn (least common multiple) maxRoomCapacity (maximum capacity)
LeastConcernSpecies (least concern species) maxValue (max value)
LeastDevelopedCountry (least developed country) maximumPayloadCapacity (maximum payload capacity)
Leather (leather) maximumPayloadHeightWidth (maximum payload height width)
LeatherAndAlliedProductManufacturing (leather and allied product manufacturing) maximumReplications (maximum replications)
LeatherAndHideTanningAndFinishing (leather and hide tanning and finishing) mealPlanInclusion (meal plan inclusion)
Leaving (leaving) meanSeaLevel (mean sea level)
LeavingAnOrganization (leaving an organization) measure (measure)
LebaneseCuisine (Lebanese Cuisine) measurementReading (measurement reading)
LebanesePound (lebanese pound) measuringListDuration (measuring list duration)
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