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holdsObligation Heliport
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HeatingDevice (heating device) headquartersOfOrganization (headquarters of organization)
HeatingEquipmentExceptWarmAirFurnacesManufacturing (heating equipment except warm air furnaces manufacturing) hearingAcuity (visual acuity)
HeatingOilDealers (heating oil dealers) heartRate (heart rate)
HeavyConstruction (heavy construction) height (height)
HeavyDutyTruckManufacturing (heavy duty truck manufacturing) hi (hi)
HeavyMGPlatoon (heavy machine gun platoon) highAltitudeWindSpeed (high altitude wind speed)
HeavyMachineGun (heavy machine gun) highAltitudeWindVelocity (high altitude wind velocity)
HeavyMetal (heavy metal) highTide (high tide)
HeavyRaining (heavy raining) highestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncome (highest decile share of household income)
HeavySurf (heavy zone) highestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncomeInPeriod (highest decile share of household income in period)
HebrewLanguage (Hebrew language) highestTemperatureForPeriod (highest temperature for period)
HebronWestBank (hebron west bank) hinders (hinders)
Height (height) hindersSubclass (hinders subclass)
HeiltsukLanguage (heiltsuk language) holds (holds)
Helicopter (helicopter) holdsDuring (holds during)
HoldsObligation heliport
Heliport (heliport) holdsObligation (holds obligation)
Helium (helium) holdsRight (holds right)
Helmet (helmet) hole (hole)
Helping (helping) holidayTimeInArea (holiday time in area)
Hemisphere (hemisphere) home (home)
HemisphereFigure (hemisphere) homeAddress (home address)
Hemoglobin (hemoglobin) homePage (homepage)
HemorrhagicFever (hemorrhagic fever) homePhoneNumber (home phone number)
HemostaticGauze (hemostatic gauze) homologousChromosome (homologous chromosome)
Hen (hen) homologousChromosomePair (homologous chromosome pair)
HendraVirus (hendra virus) hopes (hopes)
Henry (henry) hostJitter (host jitter)
HepaticBranchArtery (hepatic branch artery) hostOf (host of)
Hepatitis (hepatitis) hostStatus (host status)
HepatitisA (hepatitis a) hostedOn (hosted on)
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