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reservedRoom ProPublica
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PrintingMachineryAndEquipmentManufacturing (printing machinery and equipment manufacturing) releaseForConsumption (release for consumption)
PriorityAttribute (priority attribute) releaseForSale (release for sale)
Prison (prison) religiousAffiliationOfOrganization (religious affiliation of organization)
PrisonChapel (prison chapel) rentalPrice (rental price)
Prisoner (prisoner) rents (rents)
PrisonerOfWar (prisoner of war) representativeAgentToAgent (representative agent to agent)
PrivateAttribute (private attribute) represents (represents)
PrivateDetective (private detective) representsForAgent (represents for agent)
PrivateEnterpriseEconomy (private enterprise economy) representsInLanguage (represents in language)
PrivateHouseholds (private households) requestRate (request rate)
PrivateMailCenters (private mail centers) reservationChannel (reservation channel)
PrivateRailcar (private railcar) reservationEnd (reservation end)
PrivateRank (private rank) reservationStart (reservation start)
PrivateSchool (private school) reservePrice (reserve Price)
PrivatizingEconomy (privatizing economy) reservedPackage (reserved package)
ReservedRoom proPublica
ProPublica (ProPublica) reservedRoom (reserved room)
ProbabilityAttribute (probability attribute) reservingEntity (reserving entity)
ProbabilityFn (probability) resonantFrequency (resonant frequency)
ProbabilityRelation (probability relation) resource (resource)
Procedure (procedure) resourceExhausted (resource exhausted)
ProcerusMuscleMuscle (procerus muscle) resourceUsed (resource used)
Process (process) responseRate (response rate)
ProcessFailure (process failure) responseTime (response time)
ProcessPhysicalDistributionAndLogisticsConsultingServices (process physical distribution and logistics consulting services) restingBreathingRate (resting breathing rate)
ProcessState (process state) restingHeartRate (resting heart rate)
ProcessStatus (process status) restinrestingBreathingRategHeartRate (baseline breathing rate)
ProcessSuccess (process success) result (result)
ProcessTask (process task) resultType (result type)
ProcessedGoatMilk (processed gaot milk) rewards (rewards)
ProcessedMilk (processed milk) riskLevel (risk level)
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