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portNumber PavedRunway
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Patella (patella) pistonStroke (piston stroke)
PatellaAndTibialTuberosityViaPatellarTendon (PatellaAndTibialTuberosityViaPatellarTendon) plaintiff (plaintiff)
Patent (patent) plantInArea (garden)
PathImportanceFunction (path importance function) plays (plays)
PathWeightFn (path weight) playsRoleInEvent (plays role in event)
PathologicProcess (pathologic process) playsRoleInEventOfType (plays role in event of type)
PathologicalProcess (PathologicalProcess) pointOfFigure (point of figure)
PatikulPhilippines (patikul philippines) pointOfIntersection (point of intersection)
Patio (patio) policyInclusion (policy inclusion)
PatlaChicontlaTotonacaLanguage (patla chicontla totonaca language) policyLocationCoverage (policy location coverage)
Patrol (patrol) policyOwner (policy owner)
PatronTequilla (patron tequilla) politicalPartyOfCountry (political party of country)
PauFrance (pau france) populationDensity (populationDensity)
PaumariLanguage (paumari language) populationFractionBelowPovertyLine (population fraction below poverty line)
Paved (paved) populationFractionBelowPovertyLineInPeriod (population fraction below poverty line in period)
PortNumber pavedRunway
PavedRunway (paved runway) portNumber (port number)
PawneeGroupLanguage (pawnee group language) possesses (possesses)
PawneeKitsaiLanguage (pawnee kitsai language) postAddressText (post address text)
PawneeLanguage (pawnee language) postCity (post city)
PayCheck (pay check) postContactSite (post contact site)
PayStub (pay stub) postCountry (post country)
Payment (payment) postDistrict (post district)
PayrollServices (payroll services) postNeighborhood (post neighborhood)
PeAtSadehGazaStrip (pe at sadeh gaza strip) postPostOfficeBox (post post office box)
Pea (pea) postPostcodeArea (post postcode area)
PeaceKeepingMission (peace keeping mission) postStreet (post street)
PeaceState (at peace) postStreetNumber (post street number)
PeacefulUseOfAtomicPower (peaceful use of atomic power) potentialCustomer (potential customer)
PeacekeepingOperation (peacekeeping operation) potentialLoss (potential loss)
PeacekeepingUnit (peacekeeping unit) potentialOfHydrogen (potential of hydrogen)
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