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defaultNetwork DownloadingUserFile
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DoubleSize (double size) deceptiveIdentifier (deceptive identifier)
DoubleStrandedMolecularStructure (double stranded molecular structure) decreasesLikelihood (decreases likelihood)
DoublerSinglePhaseRectifier (doubler single phase rectifier) defaultMaxValue (default max value)
Dough (dough) defaultMaximumHeight (default maximum height)
DowJonesIndex (Dow Jones) defaultMaximumLength (default maximum length)
DownAndInRoom (down and in room) defaultMaximumMeasure (default maximum measure)
DownAndOutRoom (down and out room) defaultMaximumSphereRadius (default maximum sphere radius)
DownArrowKey (down arrow key) defaultMaximumWidth (default maximum width)
Downhill (downhill) defaultMeasure (default measure)
DownloadingAudio (downloading audio) defaultMinValue (default min value)
DownloadingImage (downloading image) defaultMinimumHeight (default minimum height)
DownloadingNonAudioVideoImageUserFile (downloading non audio video image user file) defaultMinimumLength (default minimum length)
DownloadingOverNetwork (downloading over network) defaultMinimumMeasure (default minimum measure)
DownloadingRequest (downloading request) defaultMinimumSphereRadius (default minimum sphere radius)
DownloadingSoftware (downloading software) defaultMinimumWidth (default minimum width)
DefaultNetwork downloadingUserFile
DownloadingUserFile (downloading user file) defaultNetwork (default network)
DownloadingVideo (downloading video) defaultValue (default value)
DownloadingingUpdate (downloadinging update) defendant (defendant)
Downstairs (downstairs) defenseLawyer (defense lawyer)
Downstream (downstream) deliveryRegion (delivery region)
Downtick (downtick) dependencyDelay (dependency delay)
Downtown (downtown) dependencyType (dependency type)
Downwind (downwind) dependentAreaOfType (dependent area of type)
Doxycycline (doxycycline) dependentGeopoliticalArea (dependent geopolitical area)
DraftingServices (drafting services) deprivesNorm (deprives norm)
Draftsman (draftsman) depth (depth)
DraggingWithCursor (dragging with cursor) describes (describes)
DragonWeapon (Dragon anti-armor missile) designPattern (design pattern)
DramaticActing (dramatic acting) desires (desires)
DramaticCast (dramatic cast) destination (destination)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners