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contestParticipant Damaging
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DahukIraq (dahuk iraq) connectedBodyPartTypes (connectedBodyPartTypes)
Daikon (daikon) connectedDownstream (connected downstream)
DailyHousekeepingPolicy (daily housekeeping) connectedEngineeringComponents (connected engineering components)
DairyArtifact (dairy product) connectedPeripheral (connected peripheral)
DairyCattleAndMilkProduction (dairy cattle and milk production) connects (connects)
DairyProductExceptDriedOrCannedWholesalers (dairy product except dried or canned wholesalers) connectsEngineeringComponents (connects engineering components)
DairyProductExceptFrozenManufacturing (dairy product except frozen manufacturing) considers (considers)
DairyProductManufacturing (dairy product manufacturing) consistent (consistent)
DakotaGroupLanguage (dakota group language) constructionPeriod (construction period)
DakotaLanguage (dakota language) contains (contains)
DalecarlianLanguage (dalecarlian language) containsFormula (contains formula)
DallasTexas (dallas texas) containsInformation (contains information)
DalmatianLanguage (dalmatian language) contestEntry (contest entry)
Dam (dam) contestObject (contest object)
DamagedVehicle (damaged vehicle) contestOrganizer (contest organizer)
ContestParticipant damaging
Damaging (damaging) contestParticipant (contest participant)
Damp (damp) contestParticipantRepresentation (contest representation)
Damper (damper) contractedRentalPrice (contracted rental price)
DamperElement (damper element) contractor (contractor)
DanceCompanies (dance companies) contraryAttribute (contrary attribute)
DanceHall (dance hall) contraryAttributeWRT (contrary attribute WRT)
Dancer (dancer) contraryProperty (contraryProperty)
Dancing (dancing) contrastRatio (contrast ratio)
DangDistrictNepal (dang district nepal) controlGroup (control group)
DangauraTharuLanguage (dangaura tharu language) controlled (controlled)
Dangerous (dangerous) conventionalLongName (official name)
DanishBokmalLanguage (danish bokmal language) conventionalShortName (acronym)
DanishCuisine (Danish Cuisine) conversionEvent (conversionEvent)
DanishGroupLanguage (danish group language) conveyance (conveyance)
DanishKrone (danish krone) cooccur (cooccur)
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