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listedOn ManxLanguage
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ManifoldHeatControlValve (manifold heat control valve) lengthOfPavedHighway (length of paved highway)
ManikionLanguage (manikion language) lengthOfPetroleumProductPipeline (length of petroleum product pipeline)
ManilaPhilippines (manila philippines) lengthOfStandardGaugeRailway (length of standard gauge railway)
Manilo (Manilo) lengthOfUnclassifiedGaugeRailway (length of unclassified gauge railway)
ManualHumanLanguage (manual human language) lengthOfUnpavedHighway (length of unpaved highway)
ManualLabor (manual labor) lessThan (less than)
ManubriumOfSternum (ManubriumOfSternum) lessThanOrEqualTo (less than or equal to)
Manufacture (manufacture) lethalDose (lethal dose)
ManufacturedHomeMobileHomeManufacturing (manufactured home mobile home manufacturing) lexicon (lexicon)
ManufacturedMobileHomeDealers (manufactured mobile home dealers) lifeStageAchieved (life stage achieved)
Manufacturer (manufacturer) limitPrice (limit price)
Manufacturing (Manufacturing) lineMeasure (line measure)
ManufacturingAndIndustrialBuildingConstruction (manufacturing and industrial building construction) linearExtent (linear extent)
ManufacturingAndReproducingMagneticAndOpticalMedia (manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media) links (links)
ManufacturingBasedEconomy (manufacturing based economy) liquidity (liquidity)
ListedOn manxLanguage
ManxLanguage (manx language) listedOn (listed on)
MaonIsrael (maon israel) listingBidder (listing bidder)
MaoriLanguage (Maori language) listingBuyer (listing buyer)
Map (map) listingSeller (listing seller)
MapleTree (maple tree) load (load)
MapleWood (maple wood) loanFeeAmount (loan fee amount)
MapourditSudan (mapourdit sudan) loanForPurchase (loan for purchase)
MapudungunLanguage (mapudungun language) loanInterest (loan interest)
MarSabaWestBank (mar saba west bank) localLongName (local long name)
MarathiLanguage (Marathi language) localShortName (local short name)
Marathon (marathon) located (located)
MarawiPhilippines (marawi philippines) locatedAtTime (located at time)
Marble (marble) locationMeasuringList (location measuring list)
MarburgDisease (marburg disease) loggedInDuring (logged-in during)
MarburgVirus (marburg virus) losesControl (loses control)
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