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cohabitant BouvetIsland
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BosphorousStraitsTurkey (bosphorous straits turkey) chiefOfState (chief of state)
BostonMassachusetts (Boston, Massachusetts) chiefOfStateType (chief of state type)
BotanicalTree (botanical tree) chromosomeNumber (chromosome number)
Botanist (botanist) chromosomeSetCount (chromosome set count)
Botany (botany) circumfrence (circumfrence)
Botswana (botswana) citizen (citizen)
BotswanaPula (botswana pula) claimedTerritory (claimed territory)
Bottle (bottle) classmate (classmate)
BottledWaterManufacturing (bottled water manufacturing) climateTypeInArea (climate type in area)
BotulinumToxin (botulinum toxin) closedOn (closed on)
Botulism (botulism) closingPrice (closing price)
BoughtItemsFn (bought items) cloudCoverFraction (cloud cover fraction)
BouiraAlgeria (bouira algeria) coaches (coaches)
Boulder (boulder) codeMapping (code mapping)
BoundaryDetermination (boundary determination) coding (coding)
Cohabitant bouvetIsland
BouvetIsland (bouvet island) cohabitant (cohabitant)
BouzeGueneAlgeria (bouze guene algeria) coilCount (coil count)
Bowing (bowing) coldSeasonInArea (cold season in area)
Bowling (bowling) colleague (colleague)
BowlingBall (bowling ball) collectRate (collect rate)
BowlingCenters (bowling centers) colocatedAgent (colocated business)
BowlingFacility (bowling facility) color (color)
BowlingLane (bowling lane) commandLineArguments (command line arguments)
BowlingShoe (bowling shoe) commandRankOfEchelon (command rank of echelon)
Box (box) commemoratesDate (commemorates date)
BoxOfChocolates (box of chocolate) comment (comment)
Boxcar (boxcar) commentator (commentator)
Boxer (boxer) communicationSatelliteForArea (communication satellite for area)
Boxing (boxing) comparativeArea (comparative area)
BoxingRing (boxing ring) compensationPackage (compensation package)
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