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protocolForConnector RealEstateCredit
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RationalNumber (rational number) productBrand (product brand)
RationalNumberFn (rational number) productModel (product model)
Rattlesnake (rattlesnake) productPrice (product price)
RawAttribute (raw) profit (profit)
RawSewagePollutionIssue (raw sewage pollution issue) programCopy (program copy)
RawalpindiPakistan (rawalpindi pakistan) programRunning (program running)
RawoLanguage (rawo language) prohibitedItem (prohibited item)
ReachingAgreement (reaching agreement) prohibits (prohibits)
ReachingMilitaryAgeAnnuallyMaleFn (reaching military age annually male) properPart (proper part)
ReadOnlyMemoryDataStorage (read only memory data storage) properlyFills (properly fills)
Reading (reading) property (property)
ReadyMixConcrete (ready mix concrete) propertyAmenity (property amenity)
ReadyMixConcreteManufacturing (ready mix concrete manufacturing) propertyPolicy (property policy)
RealEstate (real estate) propositionOwner (proposition owner)
RealEstateAndRentalAndLeasing (real estate and rental and leasing) prosecutor (prosecutor)
ProtocolForConnector realEstateCredit
RealEstateCredit (real estate credit) protocolForConnector (protocol for connector)
RealEstateIndustry (real estate industry) protonNumber (proton number)
RealEstateInvestmentTrusts (real estate investment trusts) providesDestination (provides destination)
RealEstatePropertyManagers (real estate property managers) publishedPrice (published price)
RealNumber (real number) publishes (publishes)
RealNumberFn (real number) punishes (punishes)
RealtimeSystem (realtime system) purchasesPerPeriod (purchases per period)
RealtimeSystemAttribute (realtime system attribute) qoSSlack (qoS slack)
RearWindow (rear window) qualifiedExperiment (qualified experiment)
Reasoning (reasoning) qualifiedPageView (qualified page view)
Receipt (receipt) qualifiedTreatment (qualified treatment)
ReceiverDevice (receiver device) quarter (quarter)
ReceivingAnObjectFn (receiving an object fn) rMProgramOf (rM program-of)
ReceivingEmail (receiving email) radius (radius)
ReceptorProtein (receptor protein) radiusOfMaximumWind (radius of maximum wind)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners