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partition OddInteger
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OccludedFront (occluded front) overlapsTemporally (overlap temporally)
OccupationFn (occupation) oxygenSaturation (oxygen saturation)
OccupationalDomain (occupational domain) pValue (confidence interval)
OccupationalRole (occupational role) paidFunctionRoomAmenity (free function room amenity)
OccupationalTrade (occupational trade) paidPropertyAmenity (paid property amenity)
Ocean (ocean) paidRoomAmenity (paid room amenity)
OceanLiner (ocean liner) parallel (parallel)
Oceania (oceania) parasite (parasite)
OctaploidCell (octaploid cell) parasitic (parasitic)
October (October) parent (parent)
Octopus (octopus) part (part)
OctopusMeat (octopus) partType (partType)
OcularGroupArtery (ocular group artery) partTypes (part types)
OcularMuscularArtery (ocular muscular artery) partialOrderingOn (partial ordering on)
OculomotorNerveCNIII (oculomotor nerve [CNIII]) partiallyFills (partially fills)
Partition oddInteger
OddInteger (odd integer) partition (partition)
OesophagealBranchArtery (oesophageal branch artery) partlyLocated (partly located)
OffensiveInformationOperation (offensive information operation) partyToAgreement (party to agreement)
Offering (offering) passenger (passenger)
OfferingForSale (offering for sale) passengerCapacityMaxNumber (passenger capacity max number)
OfferingToPurchase (offering to purchase) password (password)
OfficeAdministrativeServices (office administrative services) pastTense (past tense)
OfficeBuilding (office building) paternalAunt (paternal aunt)
OfficeEquipmentWholesalers (office equipment wholesalers) paternalUncle (paternal uncle)
OfficeFurnitureExceptWoodManufacturing (office furniture except wood manufacturing) path (path)
OfficeFurnitureIncludingFixturesManufacturing (office furniture including fixtures manufacturing) pathInSystem (path in system)
OfficeMachineryAndEquipmentRentalAndLeasing (office machinery and equipment rental and leasing) pathLength (path length)
OfficeMachineryManufacturing (office machinery manufacturing) pathologicSideEffect (pathologic side effect)
OfficeSuppliesAndStationeryStores (office supplies and stationery stores) pathologicSymptom (pathologic symptom)
OfficeSuppliesExceptPaperManufacturing (office supplies except paper manufacturing) pathologyCandidate (pathologyCandidate)
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