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minCylinderVolume LeftMedialCuneiformBone
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LeftIntermediatePhalanxIIIBone (left intermediate phalanx III bone) memberCount (member count)
LeftIntermediatePhalanxIVBone (left intermediate phalanx IV bone) memberMeasure (member measure)
LeftIntermediatePhalanxVBone (left intermediate phalanx V bone) memberType (member type)
LeftKidney (left kidney) memberTypeCount (member type count)
LeftKnee (left knee) memorySize (memory size)
LeftLacrimalBone (left lacrimal bone) middleName (middle name)
LeftLateralCuneiformBone (left lateral cuneiform bone) militaryAge (military age)
LeftLateralCuniformBone (LeftLateralCuniformBone) militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDP (military expenditures fraction of GDP)
LeftLeg (left leg) militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDPInPeriod (military expenditures fraction of GDP in period)
LeftLunate (left lunate) militaryExpendituresInUSDollars (military expenditures in US dollars)
LeftLung (left lung) militaryExpendituresInUSDollarsInPeriod (military expenditures in US dollars in period)
LeftMalleusBone (left malleus bone) militaryOfArea (military of area)
LeftMarginalArtery (left marginal artery) milliFn (milliFn)
LeftMaxillaBone (left maxilla bone) mimeType (mime type)
LeftMayLanguage (left may language) minCardinality (min cardinality)
MinCylinderVolume leftMedialCuneiformBone
LeftMedialCuneiformBone (left medial cuneiform bone) minCylinderVolume (min cylinder volume)
LeftMedialCuniformBone (LeftMedialCuniformBone) minDeviceOperatingTemp (minimum device operating temperature)
LeftMetatarsal1Bone (left metatarsal 1 bone) minDeviceStorageTemp (minimum device storage temperature)
LeftMetatarsal1IBone (LeftMetatarsal1IBone) minValue (min value)
LeftMetatarsal1IIBone (LeftMetatarsal1IIBone) minimumBalance (minimum balance)
LeftMetatarsal1VBone (LeftMetatarsal1VBone) minimumPayment (minimum payment)
LeftMetatarsal2Bone (left metatarsal 2 bone) minimumReplications (minimum replications)
LeftMetatarsal3Bone (left metatarsal 3 bone) misspelledTitle (misspelled title)
LeftMetatarsal4Bone (left metatarsal 4 bone) mixturePartType (mixturePartType)
LeftMetatarsal5Bone (left metatarsal 5 bone) mixtureRatio (mixture ratio)
LeftMetatarsalVBone (LeftMetatarsalVBone) mobilePhoneNumber (mobile phone number)
LeftNasalBone (left nasal bone) modalAttribute (modal attribute)
LeftNavicular (left navicular) models (models)
LeftNavicularBone (left navicular bone) molecularRatio (molecular ratio)
LeftOssaCoxae (left ossa coxae) monetaryValue (monetary value)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners