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loanForPurchase JetAirplane
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JavaneseLanguage (Javanese language) lessThanOrEqualTo (less than or equal to)
JavelinWeapon (Javelin anti-tank missile) lethalDose (lethal dose)
Jaw (jaw) lexicon (lexicon)
JawDropping (jaw dropping) lifeStageAchieved (life stage achieved)
JazzMusic (jazz music) limitPrice (limit price)
Jealousy (jealousy) lineMeasure (line measure)
JeberoLanguage (jebero language) linearExtent (linear extent)
JeninWestBank (jenin west bank) links (links)
Jersey (jersey) liquidity (liquidity)
JerusalemHillsIsrael (jerusalem hills israel) listedOn (listed on)
JerusalemIsrael (jerusalem israel) listingBidder (listing bidder)
JerusalemOldCityIsrael (jerusalem old city israel) listingBuyer (listing buyer)
JerusalemPalestine (Jerusalem Palestine) listingSeller (listing seller)
JesusFellowship (Jesus fellowship) load (load)
JesusOfNazareth (Jesus of Nazareth) loanFeeAmount (loan fee amount)
LoanForPurchase jetAirplane
JetAirplane (jet airplane) loanForPurchase (loan for purchase)
JetStream (jet stream) loanInterest (loan interest)
JewelersMaterialAndLapidaryWorkManufacturing (jewelers material and lapidary work manufacturing) localLongName (local long name)
Jewelry (jewelry) localShortName (local short name)
JewelryAndSilverwareManufacturing (jewelry and silverware manufacturing) located (located)
JewelryExceptCostumeManufacturing (jewelry except costume manufacturing) locatedAtTime (located at time)
JewelryLuggageAndLeatherGoodsStores (jewelry luggage and leather goods stores) locationMeasuringList (location measuring list)
JewelryStores (jewelry stores) loggedInDuring (logged-in during)
JewelryWatchPreciousStoneAndPreciousMetalWholesalers (jewelry watch precious stone and precious metal wholesalers) losesControl (loses control)
JewishCuisine (Jewish Cuisine) loss (loss)
JewishHoliday (Jewish holiday) loudness (loudness)
JfetTransistor (jfet transistor) lowAltitudeWindSpeed (low altitude wind speed)
Jilbab (jilbab) lowAltitudeWindVelocity (low altitude wind velocity)
JivaroanLanguage (jivaroan language) lowTide (low tide)
JohannesburgSouthAfrica (johannesburg south africa) lowestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncome (lowest decile share of household income)
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