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hasPurpose Growth
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GroundnutOil (ground nut oil) guiElementPartiallyCoveredBy (GUI element partially covered by)
Group (group) guiElementUncovered (GUI element uncovered)
GroupOf10 (group of10) habitatOfOrganism (habitat of organism)
GroupOf11 (group of11) half (half)
GroupOf15 (group of15) haploidNumber (haploid number)
GroupOf24 (group of24) hardwareType (hardware type)
GroupOf3 (group of3) hasAccount (has account)
GroupOf5 (group of5) hasAcrossVariable (has across variable)
GroupOf6 (group of6) hasAward (has award)
GroupOf7 (group of7) hasDependency (has dependency)
GroupOf77 (group of77) hasDimension (has dimension)
GroupOf8 (group of8) hasExpertise (has expertise)
GroupOf9 (group of9) hasGUEState (has GUE state)
GroupOfAnimals (group of animals) hasMolecularStructuralAttribute (has molecular structural attribute)
GroupOfPeople (group of people) hasOccupation (has occupation)
HasPurpose growth
Growth (growth) hasPurpose (has purpose)
GrowthStock (growth stock) hasPurposeForAgent (has purpose for agent)
GroznyChechnya (grozny chechnya) hasSkill (has skill)
Guadeloupe (guadeloupe) hasThroughVariable (has through variable)
GuahibanLanguage (guahiban language) hasUniform (has uniform)
GuahiboLanguage (guahibo language) hasVariable (has variable)
GuaicuruanLanguage (guaicuruan language) havePartTypes (have part types)
Guam (guam) hazardous (hazardous)
GuambianoLanguage (guambiano language) headOfGovernment (head of government)
GuanaLanguage (guana language) headingWRTCompassNorth (headingWRT compass north)
GuanacheGroupLanguage (guanache group language) headingWRTMagneticNorth (headingWRT magnetic north)
GuanaritoVirus (guanarito virus) headingWRTTrueNorth (headingWRT true north)
GuancheLanguage (guanche language) headquartersOfOrganization (headquarters of organization)
Guangzhou (Guangzhou) hearingAcuity (visual acuity)
GuaporeLanguage (guapore language) heartRate (heart rate)
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