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emailAddress DeterministicDataStream
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Desertification (desertification) effectiveDose (effective dose)
DesertificationConvention (desertification convention) effectiveRange (effective range)
DesertificationIssue (desertification issue) electionDatePlannedForPosition (election date planned for position)
DesignPatternAttribute (design pattern attribute) electionForOrganization (election for organization)
Designating (designating) electionForPosition (election for position)
Designer (designer) electionWinner (election winner)
Designing (designing) electricityConsumptionInPeriod (electricity consumption in period)
Desk (desk) electricityExportInPeriod (electricity export in period)
Desloratadine (desloratadine) electricityFractionFromSource (electricity fraction from source)
Despair (despair) electricityFractionFromSourceInPeriod (electricity fraction from source in period)
Dessert (dessert) electricityImportInPeriod (electricity import in period)
Destruction (destruction) electricityProductionInPeriod (electricity production in period)
DetNorskeBaptistsamfunn (Det norske baptistsamfunn) electronNumber (electron number)
Detaching (detaching) element (element)
Detergent (detergent) elevation (elevation)
EmailAddress deterministicDataStream
DeterministicDataStream (deterministic data stream) emailAddress (email address)
DetroitMichigan (detroit michigan) emotionTendency (emotion tendency)
DevelopPrograms (program development) employeeContribution (employee contribution)
DevelopedCountry (developed country) employs (employs)
DevelopingCountry (developing country) enemy (enemy)
DevelopingWeaponOfMassDestruction (developing weapon of mass destruction) engineCylinders (engine cylinders)
DevelopmentalAttribute (developmental attribute) engineDisplacement (engine displacement)
Device (device) engineIdleSpeed (engine idle speed)
DeviceAttribute (device attribute) engineeringSubcomponent (engineering subcomponent)
DeviceClosed (device closed) engineers (engineers)
DeviceDamaged (device damaged) enjoys (enjoys)
DeviceFirmwareUpdateMode (Device Firmware Update Mode) ennervates (ennervates)
DeviceNormal (device normal) entails (entails)
DeviceOff (device off) environmentAttributes (environment attributes)
DeviceOn (device on) environmentalProblemTypeInArea (environmental problem type in area)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners